আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Application of hostel facility

Write a letter to the Principal, Kumudini College, Tangail enquiring about availability of a seat in the college hostel.

Imagine, you are Afrina Tasnim of Gopalpur, Tangail. You want to get yourself admitted to the 1st Year BSc (Pass) class at Kumudini College. But you have no relative to stay with or any suitable accommodation to reside at Tangail. So you need to stay in the college hostel. 

5th March 2020

The Principal,
Kumudini College, Tangail

Subject : Availability of Hostel Facility


I have passed the HSC examination this year in Grade A in Science Group. Now I desire to set myself admitted to 1st year BSc (Pass) class at your college. But since I have no relative to stay with or any other kind of suitable accommodation at Tangail. I need to reside in the college hostel. 

I would, therefore, request you kindly to let me know at an early date if a seats will be available for me in the college hostel and oblige. 

Yours obediently

Afrina Tasnim
Kanchan Villa
P.O. & Vill, Gopalpur
Dist. : Tangail
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