পহেলা বৈশাখ

Composition : My Motherland Bangladesh

My Motherland Bangladesh

Mother and motherland are superior to heaven. A man may be born in a very backward place. But in spite of its backwardness, he loves his motherland with all his heart.

Bangladesh became free on December 16, 1971, from Pakistan. Thirty lakhs of people had to lay down their lives to make our country free. Now Bangladesh is a democratic country in the world. This country is very dear to me.

Bangladesh is surrounded by Indian territory on three sides. She borders on Burma on the south-east. The Bay of Bengal lies to the south of the country. The area of Bangladesh is about 1,47,570 square kilometers. She is divided into six divisions and sixty-five districts. She has a population of about fifteen corers. It is a land of rivers.

The climate of Bangladesh is hot and humid. It is a monsoon country. Its climate is tropical.
The land of Bangladesh is very fertile. Plenty of jute, tea, sugarcane, rice grows in the soil of Bangladesh. Rice is our main food. The hilly slopes of Sylhet and Chittagong produce tea, sugarcane, tobacco, cotton and oilseeds grow in every district of Bangladesh. Mangoes, jackfruits, bananas, pine-apples, litchis, blackberries, coconuts, guavas and water-melons are the main fruits of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is noted for her natural beauties. The sights of green fields, the rivers, the hills of Chittagong and Shylet, the tea garden and the Sundarban and the green forests of Rangamati and hilly districts are very charming. There are many rivers both big and small. They give us water and fish. We can irrigate using water from these rivers.

I love my motherland with all my heart. I will work hard for the prosperity of the country. After all, I am proud of my motherland.

Same composition collected from another book

Mother and motherland are superior to heaven. A man may be born in a very backward place. But in spite of its backwardness, he loves his motherland with all his heart.

India was divided in 1947 and Pakistan came into being as a Muslim State. Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan. Soon after the birth of Pakistan. Its rulers tried to turn East Pakistan into their colony.

The Bangalees protested against the injustice done to them so long. But the West Pakistani rulers tried to subdue (দমন করা) them. So, the Bangalees started their armed struggle for independence.

The fight continued for nine months. The Pakistani soldiers could not stand it. They had to surrender ultimately on December 16, 1971. Bangladesh then became free. Thirty lakhs of Bangalees had to lay down their lives to make our country free.

Pakistani forces completely shattered our communication system. So we have to rebuild our economy. We have to make use of our resources very economically. Our land is very fertile and our people are very hardy. We shall march forward through all difficulties.

Now it is the proper time to develop the country in every respect. We should solve the problems the country still faces. We should remove illiteracy from society as soon as possible. At the same time, we need to utilize our natural resources properly. We should include some more sectors in our annual development plan. We should also remove terrorism and lawlessness from the society. Women and children trafficking should be stopped immediately.

Men make a nation great. We are students. Still, we have great role to play in making Bangladesh happy and prosperous.


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