Letter, Application & Email

Application / Formal Letter
1.75 - Application for setting up charitable dispensary.
1.74 - Application for opening a branch of a bank.
1.73 - Application for holding coaching classes.
1.72 - Application for setting up a night school for adult education.
1.71 - Application for starting a Spoken English Learning Programme.
1.70 - Application for holding a school in the morning.
1.69 - Application to hold a football match.
1.68 - Application for waiving the late fine.
1.67 - Application for early leave for your stomach upset.
1.66 - Application for a half-holiday to witness the football match.
1.65 - Application for providing street-lights in Sadar Road area.
1.64 - Application for complaining against irregular delivery of letters.
1.63 - Application for establishing a hallroom.
1.62 - Application for repairing a tubewell immediately.
1.61 - Application for financial assistance from the student’s welfare fund of the college.
1.60 - Application for setting up a computer club in our college.
1.59 - Application for financial help from the college poor fund.
1.58 - Application for the permission of going on a picnic.
1.57 - Application for establishing a post office.
1.56 - Application for relief and medical aids for the flood-affected people.
1.55 - Application for providing sound system for large classrooms.
1.54 - Application for starting/setting up a canteen.
1.53 - Application for eradication of dengue-carrying mosquito.
1.52 - Application for taking necessary steps against anti-social activities.
1.51 - Application to set up a common room.
1.50 - Application for opening a relief camp / relief operation for the flood-affected people.
1.49 - Application for changing section.
1.48 - Application for permission to arrange a voting camp for the Sundarbans.
1.47 - Application for grant of money for excursion.
1.46 - Application for prohibiting mobile in classroom / exam hall.
1.45 - Application for Character Certificate / testimonial.
1.44 - Application for arranging internet facilities at our college.
1.43 - Application for taking necessary steps against wayward boys.
1.42 - Application for celebrating Pohela Boishakh.
1.41 - Application for leave of absence.
1.40 - Application for leave in advance.
1.39 - Application for an adjustment of the late delivery.
1.38 - Application for admission.
1.37 - Application for re-admission.
1.36 - Application for English Speaking Club.
1.35 - Write a letter to the Manager, Daffodils Garments Ltd. seeking permission to visit the factory.
1.34 - Write a letter to the Director-General of Bangladesh Television to telecast more educative programmes.
1.33 - Write an application to the Forest Officer seeking permission to stay at a Bungalow for a few days for visiting the Sundarbans.
1.32 - Write an application to the Mayor of the City Corporation drawing his attention to the need for a children’s park in your locality.
1.31 - Write an application to the Executive Engineer praying for extension of leave.
1.30 - Write an application to the relevant Thana Nirbahi Officer for taking steps to repair some roads.
1.29 - Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district drawing his attention to the presence of arsenic in the tube-well water in your locality.
1.28 - Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council for construction/repair of a bridge.
1.27 - Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad to sink a tube-well in your locality.
1.26 - Write an application to the Director of the University calling for necessary information.
1.25 - Write an application to the Controller of Examinations for the timely publication of results.
1.24 - Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to hold a cultural function in your college auditorium.
1.23 - Write an application to the Principal of your college for holding the test examination one week later.
1.22 - Write an application to the Principal of your college for sports and science journals for Students’ Common Room.
1.21 - Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to organize a literary club.
1.20 - Write an application to the Principal of your college for a transfer certificate.
1.19 - Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for a seat in the college hostel.
1.18 - Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for a full free studentship from the Poor Fund.
1.17 - Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to go on a study tour.
1.16 - Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to celebrate a program.
1.15 - Write an application to the Principal to subscribe to an English daily for your college common room.
1.14 - Write an application to the Principal for constituting a Debating Club in your college.
1.13 - Write an Application to the railway authority complaining about damaged goods.
1.12 - Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to stage the drama.
1.11 - Write an application to the Principal of your college for purchasing books for the library.
1.10 - Write an application to the Controller of Examinations of the National University for the change examination centre.
1.9 - Write an application to the Head of the Department for admission into a foreign university.
1.8 - Write a letter to the police authority for taking measures against the culprits who tease the college-going girls.
1.7 - Write a letter to the chairman of your union council to open a relief camp in your locality.
1.6 - Write an application to the Principal of your college for the change of an elective subject.
1.5 - Write a petition to the Superintendent of Police of your district urging him to take necessary measures to check the menace of toll collectors in your locality.
1.4 - Write a letter to the manger of a bank inquiring about the procedure to open a bank account.
1.3 - Write a letter to the Manager of a bank asking for a bank loan of Taka 1,00,000 (one lakh) only to set up a computer school.
1.2 - Write a letter to the Principal, Kumudini College, Tangail enquiring about availability of a seat in the college hostel.
1.1 - Write an Application to the Principal of your college to improve indoor games facilities in the common room.
Personal Letter / Informal Letter
1.74 - Application for opening a branch of a bank.
1.73 - Application for holding coaching classes.
1.72 - Application for setting up a night school for adult education.
1.71 - Application for starting a Spoken English Learning Programme.
1.70 - Application for holding a school in the morning.
1.69 - Application to hold a football match.
1.68 - Application for waiving the late fine.
1.67 - Application for early leave for your stomach upset.
1.66 - Application for a half-holiday to witness the football match.
1.65 - Application for providing street-lights in Sadar Road area.
1.64 - Application for complaining against irregular delivery of letters.
1.63 - Application for establishing a hallroom.
1.62 - Application for repairing a tubewell immediately.
1.61 - Application for financial assistance from the student’s welfare fund of the college.
1.60 - Application for setting up a computer club in our college.
1.59 - Application for financial help from the college poor fund.
1.58 - Application for the permission of going on a picnic.
1.57 - Application for establishing a post office.
1.56 - Application for relief and medical aids for the flood-affected people.
1.55 - Application for providing sound system for large classrooms.
1.54 - Application for starting/setting up a canteen.
1.53 - Application for eradication of dengue-carrying mosquito.
1.52 - Application for taking necessary steps against anti-social activities.
1.51 - Application to set up a common room.
1.50 - Application for opening a relief camp / relief operation for the flood-affected people.
1.49 - Application for changing section.
1.48 - Application for permission to arrange a voting camp for the Sundarbans.
1.47 - Application for grant of money for excursion.
1.46 - Application for prohibiting mobile in classroom / exam hall.
1.45 - Application for Character Certificate / testimonial.
1.44 - Application for arranging internet facilities at our college.
1.43 - Application for taking necessary steps against wayward boys.
1.42 - Application for celebrating Pohela Boishakh.
1.41 - Application for leave of absence.
1.40 - Application for leave in advance.
1.39 - Application for an adjustment of the late delivery.
1.38 - Application for admission.
1.37 - Application for re-admission.
1.36 - Application for English Speaking Club.
1.35 - Write a letter to the Manager, Daffodils Garments Ltd. seeking permission to visit the factory.
1.34 - Write a letter to the Director-General of Bangladesh Television to telecast more educative programmes.
1.33 - Write an application to the Forest Officer seeking permission to stay at a Bungalow for a few days for visiting the Sundarbans.
1.32 - Write an application to the Mayor of the City Corporation drawing his attention to the need for a children’s park in your locality.
1.31 - Write an application to the Executive Engineer praying for extension of leave.
1.30 - Write an application to the relevant Thana Nirbahi Officer for taking steps to repair some roads.
1.29 - Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district drawing his attention to the presence of arsenic in the tube-well water in your locality.
1.28 - Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council for construction/repair of a bridge.
1.27 - Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad to sink a tube-well in your locality.
1.26 - Write an application to the Director of the University calling for necessary information.
1.25 - Write an application to the Controller of Examinations for the timely publication of results.
1.24 - Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to hold a cultural function in your college auditorium.
1.23 - Write an application to the Principal of your college for holding the test examination one week later.
1.22 - Write an application to the Principal of your college for sports and science journals for Students’ Common Room.
1.21 - Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to organize a literary club.
1.20 - Write an application to the Principal of your college for a transfer certificate.
1.19 - Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for a seat in the college hostel.
1.18 - Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for a full free studentship from the Poor Fund.
1.17 - Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to go on a study tour.
1.16 - Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to celebrate a program.
1.15 - Write an application to the Principal to subscribe to an English daily for your college common room.
1.14 - Write an application to the Principal for constituting a Debating Club in your college.
1.13 - Write an Application to the railway authority complaining about damaged goods.
1.12 - Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to stage the drama.
1.11 - Write an application to the Principal of your college for purchasing books for the library.
1.10 - Write an application to the Controller of Examinations of the National University for the change examination centre.
1.9 - Write an application to the Head of the Department for admission into a foreign university.
1.8 - Write a letter to the police authority for taking measures against the culprits who tease the college-going girls.
1.7 - Write a letter to the chairman of your union council to open a relief camp in your locality.
1.6 - Write an application to the Principal of your college for the change of an elective subject.
1.5 - Write a petition to the Superintendent of Police of your district urging him to take necessary measures to check the menace of toll collectors in your locality.
1.4 - Write a letter to the manger of a bank inquiring about the procedure to open a bank account.
1.3 - Write a letter to the Manager of a bank asking for a bank loan of Taka 1,00,000 (one lakh) only to set up a computer school.
1.2 - Write a letter to the Principal, Kumudini College, Tangail enquiring about availability of a seat in the college hostel.
1.1 - Write an Application to the Principal of your college to improve indoor games facilities in the common room.
Personal Letter / Informal Letter
2.67 - Letter to younger sibling to follow rules of hygiene so that may not get infected with COVID-19.
2.57 - Letter to pen-friend about importance of so many rivers in our country.
2.56 - Write a letter to your friend living abroad describing your college life.
2.55 - Write a letter to your friend telling him about the study tour you enjoyed a few days ago.
2.54 - Write a letter conveying your feeling to one of your friends asking for some suggestions for being unemployed.
2.53 - Write a letter to your friend describing how you will spend time after your HSC Final Examination.
2.52 - Write a letter to relative requesting to give up drug addict.
2.51 - Write a letter to your friend describing the recent fair of your village.
2.50 - Write a letter to congratulation to your friend, Ziaul Karim on his being appointed assistant Director of Bangladesh Bank.
2.49 - Write a letter to your father inquiring about the prices of the necessaries of daily life in your locality.
2.48 - Write a letter to your uncle in Dhaka thanking him for the birthday present he has sent.
2.47 - Write a letter to your friend ‘Y’ about the importance of learning English.
2.46 - Write a letter to your friend abroad giving your reaction to the inclusion of compulsory English at degree level.
2.45 - Write a letter to your friend ‘S’ about the bad effects of terrorism at your campus.
2.44 - Write a letter to your younger brother ‘R’ about the usefulness of reading newspaper.
2.43 - Write a letter to your friend K inviting him to spend the summer vacation with you.
2.42 - Write a letter to your younger brother N telling him about the importance of physical exercise.
2.41 - Write a letter to your friend ‘S’ discussing the choice of subjects for future study.
2.40 - Write a letter to your friend ‘B’ describing how you have passed your last winter vacation.
2.39 - Write a letter to your friend ‘D’ giving details of the job you have got.
2.38 - Write a letter to your friend ‘K’ requesting him to lend you some books that you need for your examination.
2.37 - Write a letter to your mother telling that you are coming home with a friend.
2.36 - Write a letter to your friend’ ‘M’ describing the street accident that you have witnessed.
2.35 - Write a letter to your friend ‘K’ about plantation of trees.
2.34 - Write a letter to your friend 'Z' congratulating him in his brilliant success at the examination.
2.33 - Write a letter to your friend ‘P’ condoling the death of his father/mother.
2.32 - Write a letter to your friend ‘X’ inviting him to take part in the picnic.
2.31 - Write a letter to your younger brother ‘M’ advising him to learn computer operation.
2.30 - Write a letter to your friend ‘R’ telling him why you want to be a teacher / your aim in life.
2.29 - Write a letter to your friend ‘A’ telling him about the bad effect of student politics.
2.28 - Write a letter to your younger brother Alamgir advising him to avoid evil company.
2.27 - Write a letter to your younger brother Hasan describing the usefulness of joining the national cadet corps.
2.26 - Write a letter to your friend Kutub telling him about an enjoyable book you have read recently.
2.25 - Write a letter to your friend Faisal describing the bad effects of smoking.
2.24 - Write a letter to your friend Hafiz describing what you intend to do if you win a lottery.
2.23 - Write a letter to your friend Shahed conveying sympathy for his failure in the examination.
2.22 - Write a letter to your friend Rahim about the bad effects of Bangla films upon the young generation.
2.21 - Write a letter to your friend Hamid describing your visit to the National Memorial at Savar.
2.20 - Write a letter to your friend Rahim telling how you feel about acid-throwing on women.
2.19 - Write a letter to your younger brother Muslim advising him to take part in voluntary services for the flood victims.
2.18 - Write a letter to your friend Hamid encouraging him to take part in eradication of illiteracy.
2.17 - Write a letter to your father about your hostel life.
2.16 - Write a letter to your friend Khaled describing your recent visit to an interesting place/a place of historical interest.
2.15 - Write a letter to Rahim about your hobby.
2.14 - Write a letter to your aforesaid friend in the USA expressing your joys for declaration of the 21st February as International Mother Language Day by the UNESCO.
2.13 - Write a letter to Shamim advising him to attend his class regularly.
2.12 - Write a letter to Zillur explaining why you failed to keep the appointment with him.
2.11 - Write a letter to younger brother advising him not to smoke.
2.10 - Write a letter to Albert inviting him to visit Bangladesh in the next winter highlighting some of the enchanting places to visit.
2.9 - Write a letter to your father explaining why you desire to study abroad.
2.8 - Write a letter to a friend telling him what you would like to do after your graduation.
2.7 - Write a letter to your father inquiring about the present flood situation in your native village.
2.6 - Write a letter to your friend ‘R’ requesting him to return your book at a very early date.
2.5 - Write a letter to your father informing him of the plan to visit a few neighbouring countries and seeking his permission therefor.
2.4 - Write a letter to your father explaining why you want to join politics after completing your studies.
2.3 - Write a letter to your college-going brother advising him to take more interest in games than in politics.
2.2 - Write a letter to your friend telling him your reasons for going to take the BCS examination.
2.1 - Write a letter to your sick friend who admitted to hospital.
2.56 - Write a letter to your friend living abroad describing your college life.
2.55 - Write a letter to your friend telling him about the study tour you enjoyed a few days ago.
2.54 - Write a letter conveying your feeling to one of your friends asking for some suggestions for being unemployed.
2.53 - Write a letter to your friend describing how you will spend time after your HSC Final Examination.
2.52 - Write a letter to relative requesting to give up drug addict.
2.51 - Write a letter to your friend describing the recent fair of your village.
2.50 - Write a letter to congratulation to your friend, Ziaul Karim on his being appointed assistant Director of Bangladesh Bank.
2.49 - Write a letter to your father inquiring about the prices of the necessaries of daily life in your locality.
2.48 - Write a letter to your uncle in Dhaka thanking him for the birthday present he has sent.
2.47 - Write a letter to your friend ‘Y’ about the importance of learning English.
2.46 - Write a letter to your friend abroad giving your reaction to the inclusion of compulsory English at degree level.
2.45 - Write a letter to your friend ‘S’ about the bad effects of terrorism at your campus.
2.44 - Write a letter to your younger brother ‘R’ about the usefulness of reading newspaper.
2.43 - Write a letter to your friend K inviting him to spend the summer vacation with you.
2.42 - Write a letter to your younger brother N telling him about the importance of physical exercise.
2.41 - Write a letter to your friend ‘S’ discussing the choice of subjects for future study.
2.40 - Write a letter to your friend ‘B’ describing how you have passed your last winter vacation.
2.39 - Write a letter to your friend ‘D’ giving details of the job you have got.
2.38 - Write a letter to your friend ‘K’ requesting him to lend you some books that you need for your examination.
2.37 - Write a letter to your mother telling that you are coming home with a friend.
2.36 - Write a letter to your friend’ ‘M’ describing the street accident that you have witnessed.
2.35 - Write a letter to your friend ‘K’ about plantation of trees.
2.34 - Write a letter to your friend 'Z' congratulating him in his brilliant success at the examination.
2.33 - Write a letter to your friend ‘P’ condoling the death of his father/mother.
2.32 - Write a letter to your friend ‘X’ inviting him to take part in the picnic.
2.31 - Write a letter to your younger brother ‘M’ advising him to learn computer operation.
2.30 - Write a letter to your friend ‘R’ telling him why you want to be a teacher / your aim in life.
2.29 - Write a letter to your friend ‘A’ telling him about the bad effect of student politics.
2.28 - Write a letter to your younger brother Alamgir advising him to avoid evil company.
2.27 - Write a letter to your younger brother Hasan describing the usefulness of joining the national cadet corps.
2.26 - Write a letter to your friend Kutub telling him about an enjoyable book you have read recently.
2.25 - Write a letter to your friend Faisal describing the bad effects of smoking.
2.24 - Write a letter to your friend Hafiz describing what you intend to do if you win a lottery.
2.23 - Write a letter to your friend Shahed conveying sympathy for his failure in the examination.
2.22 - Write a letter to your friend Rahim about the bad effects of Bangla films upon the young generation.
2.21 - Write a letter to your friend Hamid describing your visit to the National Memorial at Savar.
2.20 - Write a letter to your friend Rahim telling how you feel about acid-throwing on women.
2.19 - Write a letter to your younger brother Muslim advising him to take part in voluntary services for the flood victims.
2.18 - Write a letter to your friend Hamid encouraging him to take part in eradication of illiteracy.
2.17 - Write a letter to your father about your hostel life.
2.16 - Write a letter to your friend Khaled describing your recent visit to an interesting place/a place of historical interest.
2.15 - Write a letter to Rahim about your hobby.
2.14 - Write a letter to your aforesaid friend in the USA expressing your joys for declaration of the 21st February as International Mother Language Day by the UNESCO.
2.13 - Write a letter to Shamim advising him to attend his class regularly.
2.12 - Write a letter to Zillur explaining why you failed to keep the appointment with him.
2.11 - Write a letter to younger brother advising him not to smoke.
2.10 - Write a letter to Albert inviting him to visit Bangladesh in the next winter highlighting some of the enchanting places to visit.
2.9 - Write a letter to your father explaining why you desire to study abroad.
2.8 - Write a letter to a friend telling him what you would like to do after your graduation.
2.7 - Write a letter to your father inquiring about the present flood situation in your native village.
2.6 - Write a letter to your friend ‘R’ requesting him to return your book at a very early date.
2.5 - Write a letter to your father informing him of the plan to visit a few neighbouring countries and seeking his permission therefor.
2.4 - Write a letter to your father explaining why you want to join politics after completing your studies.
2.3 - Write a letter to your college-going brother advising him to take more interest in games than in politics.
2.2 - Write a letter to your friend telling him your reasons for going to take the BCS examination.
2.1 - Write a letter to your sick friend who admitted to hospital.
3.32 - Email for thanking for sending nice gift.
3.31 - Email about aim in life.
3.30 - Email about describing natural beauties on recent visiting.
3.29 - Email about advising for adjusting new place and food.
3.28 - Email for requesting for sending money.
3.27 - Email about information on exam preparation.
3.26 - Email about expecting result.
3.25 - Email about inviting to join birthday party.
3.24 - Email about collecting stamps.
3.23 - Email about informing result.
3.22 - Email describing my hostel life.
3.21 - Email about collecting information about admission.
3.20 - Email about importance of discipline and regularity.
3.19 - Email on congratulating for brilliant result / success in exam.
3.31 - Email about aim in life.
3.30 - Email about describing natural beauties on recent visiting.
3.29 - Email about advising for adjusting new place and food.
3.28 - Email for requesting for sending money.
3.27 - Email about information on exam preparation.
3.26 - Email about expecting result.
3.25 - Email about inviting to join birthday party.
3.24 - Email about collecting stamps.
3.23 - Email about informing result.
3.22 - Email describing my hostel life.
3.21 - Email about collecting information about admission.
3.20 - Email about importance of discipline and regularity.
3.19 - Email on congratulating for brilliant result / success in exam.
3.18 - Email on owing to debt of gratitude.
3.17 - Email about my living place.
3.16 - Email on inviting to attend marriage ceremony.
3.15 - Email about requesting to return book.
3.14 - Email about introducing of Bangladesh.
3.13 - Email about invitation for taking part in picnic.
3.12 - Email about wedding ceremony.
3.11 - Email on description of a picnic.
3.10 - Email about progress of studies.
3.9 - Email about thanking for hospitality.
3.8 - Email about consoling death news.
3.7 - Email about greeting for birthday.
3.6 - Email about celebrating independence day.
3.5 - Email about describing hostle life to mother.
3.4 - Email about invitation for picnic.
3.3 - Email on describing my college.
3.2 - Email for expressing sympathy for illness.
3.1 - Email to requesting to supply sports materials.
পরবর্তীতে দ্রুত পাওয়ার জন্য শেয়ার করুন :