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Essay : Corruption in Bangladesh

Corruption in Bangladesh

Introduction : Corruption is a vast and complex matter. Corruption means to make or become defiled. Corruption may originate from unsolved problems, unfinished works, vicious polities, weak administration and many other related or relevant things. According to Indian Sociologist Ramanath Sharma, “In corruption, a person usefully neglects his specified duty in order to have an undue advantage. a corrupted person takes illegal advantages by neglecting duty and misusing of power. Bribery, misuse of power, nepotism, avarice for wealth and social condition are the root of corruption. A corrupted person can do everything for his own self. Social or state value is fruitless to him.

Causes of corruption : Corruption is an incurable social disease. It is very difficult to find out when and why someone is corrupted. Avarice is the main cause of corruption. Limitless demand of people is another cause of corruption. Besides this, economic insolvency, ambiguity of laws, unemployment., political instability, lack of patriotism are the main causes of corruption. Corruption keeps spreading due to some factors, like – (i) Relaxation of coercive measures in local administration (ii) Sentiments of taking grafts as dues of the recipient and above all (II) Indulgence of malpractices which has become an order of the day.

Effects of corruption : Corruption is engulfing our total lifespan at a high speed. It seems that it would be difficult for us to distinguish fair from unfair. In a developing and poor country like Bangladesh, the effect of corruption in politics is very devastation. (Corrupted politicians misuse state power, use power for their own self and party. Bribery, embezzlement, neglecting administrative duty, nepotism etc. are administrative corruptions which create depression and grievance among the common people. Corruption in education system causes disruption in national life. Corrupted people belonging to many institutions system causes disruption in national life. Corrupted people belonging to many institutions help the bad students to pass the examination taking bribe or other opportunities. It is a matter of great regret that the educational system of a country is so corrupted. If the backbone of a nation is so corrupted, how they will live – it is a question.

Corruption is the main obstacle to the socio-economic development of a country. A great amount of money for development work is misappropriated by the government staff and political leaders. As a result, the main target of the society and the moral character of the public. When a person observes that through corruption it is easy to get everything in an unlawful way, he will not bother about the meaning of fair and unfair.

Remedies : Eradication of corruption is a crying need for the country’s greater interest. To make the country free from corruption, citizens of all classes should be responsible, accountable, dutiful and considerate. Nepotism, favoritism, red-tapism etc. should be dealt with an iron hand. Besides, some prominent maintainable aspects are as follows:
  1. To ensure worthy, justified and consistent ways to meet the existing cost of living especially for the labor class.
  2. Taking steps to reform administrative channels with liability and transparency- by strengthening trained up police force and the rightful discharge of their duties.
  3. To execute severe exemplary punishment to corrupt people and miscreant by enforcing impartial, inflexible laws and menacing penal codes.
  4. To drive healthy, religious and pragmatic awareness in the minds of people in general against corruption through all mass media.
Conclusion : At present, according to Transparency International of Bangladesh (TIB) report Bangladesh has been marked as the most corrupted country in the world for the 3rd time. We are turning up such a state of life that at times we are surprised to see that corruption is the law. Corruption begets corruption. It should be prevented urgently in all spheres of our life. Otherwise, we will fail to build up a sound and potent generation. We should look forward to ensuring corruption-free society as well as corruption free country.


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