পহেলা বৈশাখ

Composition : Flowers of Bangladesh

Flowers of Bangladesh

God has created flowers to make the earth habitable and beautiful. They add to the beauty of nature. So all people are fond of flowers. Women like flowers very much. They sometimes wear flowers as ornaments. Flowers are also the symbol of purity.

Bangladesh is rich in flowers. A variety of flowers bloom in Bangladesh in every season. Different seasons bring different varieties of flowers.

The rose is the most beautiful of all flowers. She is called the queen of flowers for her sweet scent and colour. It has different varieties. Sunflowers of different sizes are seen in different places. Chameli, Beli, Karabi, Jui, Malati, Hasna-Hena are noted for their sweet scent. The cosmos and the Dalia add to the beauty of our gardens during winter. The Krishnachura is also a very beautiful flower. Many wildflowers are also found in the bushes and jungles of Bangladesh. The Bakul is also a very lovely and scented flower. We frequently see the street girls selling garlands of Bakul. If this flower gets dried up, still it provides sweet scent. In the early morning and evening, children collect Bakul flower under the Bakul tree in a playing mood.

Some flowers though beautiful to look at, are without any scent. The Palash and the Simul are some of this variety.

Wherever we cast our eyes we see charming flowers of some kind or other around us. Flower-shows are arranged every year. Then we can see various kinds of beautiful flowers which are grown all over the country.

Same composition collected from another book

Bangladesh is a favourite playground of nature : Nature has blessed this country with thousands of flowers. These flowers add to the beauty of Bangladesh. 

In Bangladesh, we have many kinds of flowers. They differ in size and colour. Each flower has a special charm, beauty and fragrance. The rose, the marigold, the champa, the jasmine, the tagar, the jui, the bakul, the lily, the chameli, the kamini, the lotus, etc., are remarkable flowers that bloom in our country. 

Of all the flowers, the rose is called the queen of flowers. It is appreciated all over the country for its colour, shape and sweet smell. Different kinds of roses grow in Bangladesh. Some roses are white, some are red, some are pink while some are black. 

The marigold has a golden hue. It grows only in winter. It is scentless. Its bright colour, however, attracts everyone. The sheuly is the queen of autumn. It is small in size and white in colour. It is fascinating to look at. 

The champa has a golden hue. Its sweet fragrance blows through the breeze of spring. Krishnachura, Palash, Shimul, etc., are the best-known sprint flowers that bloom in Bangladesh. The blooming krishnachura looks like flames of fire in summer. 

Some flowers bloom at night. The rajanigandha, gandharaj, the bakul, the jui, the sandha malati bloom at night and spread its scent through the night air. 

There are some flowers that bloom in water. The lotus and the lily grow in watery places. Shapla is our national flower. It also grows in water everywhere in Bangladesh. 

Flowers are a symbol of holiness. They have little material value but their aesthetic value is unlimited. Flowers have been used as a symbol of love, respect and gratitude throughout the years. We make garlands, bouquets for guests, etc. 

Flowers are gifts of God. They contribute greatly to the beauty and charm of Bangladesh. They also satisfy the aesthetic (ঈস্‌থেটিক্ – নান্দনিক / নজরকাড়া) sense of pleasure. They make us soft and spiritualize our feeling.


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