পহেলা বৈশাখ

Composition : My Native Village

My Native Village

The name of my native village is Ulshi which is located in the district of Jessore. It is at a distance of about twenty k.m. from the district town. The village is about a k.m. long and half a k.m. wide. A small river named Kapotakha flows by its western side. 

The population of our village is more than a thousand. Most of the villagers are Muslims. The rest are the Hindus. 

Agriculture is the main occupation of villagers. There are some businessmen and service-holders too. 

There is a mosque in the middle of the village. The village primary school is situated near the mosque. The village market sits twice a week on the bank of the river. There is also a post office in our village. There is no high school here. 

The means of communication is not developed. Only an unmetalled District Board road runs through the village. In the rainy season the only means of transport is the boat. 

Majority of the villagers are poor but they are literate. Many of them are service-holders. Some are traders and land-owners. 

The general state of health of the people is good. There are some big ponds and tube-wells in the village to supply us with pure drinking water. The people are alert about the arsenic problem in the tube-well water. 

Our village lacks many facilities. But we are living here in peace and harmony (সংহতি). We share our joys and sorrows together. We hope, the spirit of cooperation (সহযোগিতা) will work wonders. And in near future our village will prove to be an ideal one. I am proud of being a resident (বসবাসকারী) of such a village.

Same composition collected from another book

The name of my village is Sherpur. It is typical village of Bangladesh.

The village is in Sailkupa Upazila in the district of Jhenidah. About four thousand people live here. Like other villages, most of the inhabitants are farmers. There are a few businessmen, carpenters, fishermen and potters, some teachers and govt. employees. About 90% of the people are Muslims and the rest are Hindus. There are two primary schools and a high school, in the village. The high school has a big playground where the boys and others play football. A football tournament is held every year and teams from far and near participate in it.

There is a big market in the village, where the villagers buy and sell the daily necessities like rice, vegetables, fish, etc. On two days of the week, people of the adjoining villages come here to sell their agricultural products like vegetables, rice, bananas, jute, etc. The traders buy these goods and send them to distant towns.

The natural scenery of my village is very charming. There are many long trees in my village. Various kinds of birds live on these trees. The sweet songs of these birds are very pleasant. The green trees provide us with cold atmosphere and shade. These aspects of my village make our life pleasant and happy.

In my village, people of various religions live in peace and harmony. They observe their respective religious festival undisturbed. They invite one another to their various festivals. They help one another in their danger. The people of my village lead a life of delight and amusement. They often arrange cultural functions. But the most delightful occasion is Pahela Boishakh. There is a large banyan tree in my village and under the tree, the fair of Pahela Boishakh is held.

My village is an ideal one. The village with its green fields and rows of palm trees, mango and jackfruit trees is an island of peace, where the people of all communities live in peace and harmony and share the joys and sorrows of life equally. This is my village, my heaven and I love it so much.

আরো দেখুন :
Composition : An Ideal Village


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