উত্তাল মার্চ

Essay : Globalization


Introduction : Globalization has become a buzzword in the new era of international relations. Basically, it is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a borderless market. Now it has had a far-reaching effect on many aspects of life. With the development of hi-tech communication media and rapid transportation facilities, the whole world has squeezed and people have come close to one another. Now we can learn in an instant what is happening in the farthest corner of the globe. In fact, globalization is currently understood mainly in terms of the inter-connectedness of nations and regions in the economic domain, in particular, trade, financial flows and traditional corporations. In other words, globalization is seen as an economic parallel to internationalization in the form of the universal rule of the market, notwithstanding the fact that there has been an interlinked process of political and transactionalization of media, particularly television programs and movies and wide awareness of global environmental problems.

Impact on communication on Bangladesh : Impact of globalization is obvious in the following spheres:

Impact on communication : With the impact of high-tech communication media and ultramodern transportation facilities, the world has come closer. Now we can learn instantly what is happening in the farthest region. Countries of the world have become like families in a village. They can share their joys and sorrows like next door neighbours.

Impact on the economy : The impact of globalization on Bangladesh economy cannot be denied in any way. Like the developing countries of the world, our country is getting benefit foreign exchange earner. In terms of investment, employment and exports, the functioning EPZs have been greatly successful.

Impact on modern technology : Globalization is now largely based on a strong technological foundation. The electronic transfer of information via the internet has now created an instantaneous and interconnected world of information resulting in a 24-hour trading network. This technology has largely changed banking and financial activities. Worldwide money transfer and transaction of businesses have now become a matter of clicking the mouse of a computer. Some products like software and TV programmes are also amenable to digital or electronic transmission. We can now buy and sell goods through the electronic screen. Globalization is now only what technology makes possible.

Impact on politics : After the fall of the Soviet Union Communism fell down and the east-west conflict was resolved. Moscow was no more rival to Washington. Each and every country turned into a competitive economic market. The wave of globalization has also touched our politics. We can learn the democratic norms and values now. Bangladesh has got a taste of democracy.

Impact on sports and recreation : Sports play an important role in the development of the international relationship. Many international sporting events are organized from time to time. These events are telecast worldwide by satellite and people are over the world watch them live the sports venue becomes in meeting place of people from different countries. They come closer to each other, sharing views, opinions and friendship. Bangladesh is also the beneficiary of this opportunity.

Impact on education : Like other developing countries of the world, Bangladesh has identified education as the key to prosperity and progress. Donor countries are contributing to the progress of our literacy rate and overall education. Various international organizations have responded dramatically with their generous aid in the education sector. Many non-formal schools are being run. Meritorious students are availing themselves of the foreign study scholarship.

Impact on our culture : Although globalization is mainly connected with business, trade and international relations, it is no longer viewed from that perspective alone. The tide of globalization is now encroaching into other spheres too. Satellite television channels and the internet are bringing all sorts of different customs and behaviour into our homes. Under the influence of globalization, global cultures are steadily getting integrated with local cultures. Different cultures are constantly interacting. As an independent nation, we have our own traditional social values, beliefs and attitudes. But in the globalizing process, many foreign customs and beliefs are intruding on them.

Impact on family : Globalization exerts influences on our concepts of family. Commercialization and rapid urbanization have resulted in the breakdown of traditional large families into nuclear ones. The expanded rate of female education is another example of the impact of globalization.

Demerits : Taking the advantage of the idea of globalization, capitalist countries are exploiting and impoverishing the workers of the developing countries. In the name of help and co-operation, the industrially developed capitalist countries are exploiting the cheap labour available in poorer countries. This actually paves the way for a lasting poverty so that the capitalists can continue to have a pool of cheap labour to draw from. The exploited and impoverished workers of the developing countries are no match for a globalizing powerful capitalism. As a result, the gap between wealth and poverty is ever widening. Globalization has put the people of the world on the same vessel but in different cabins.

Conclusion : It is true that globalization has produced a window of opportunity for more countries to join the mainstream of the world economy. Through globalization process, the world can be knit together, cross-fertilization of culture can take place, and transfer of knowledge can become a reality. It has the hazards too and in the ultimate analysis, no country is safe from the hazards of globalization. We can conclude by quoting the Apollo-7 astronaut that, “the thing that impressed me about looking to the earth from outer space was that the borders between countries weren’t visible.” National borders are virtually meaningless today. If we want to be advanced, we should have co-operation and interdependence but not conflict and dependence. If we can build up an atmosphere of mutual understanding and co-operation through the globalization process, our world can certainly be a better place to live in.

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