আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Essay : Victory Day of Bangladesh

Victory Day

Introduction : Victory means triumph. In our country Victory day means the day of winning freedom fighting. Our freedom fighters defeated the Pakistani enemies on the 16th December in 1971. This is why 16th December is the victory day of our national life. We celebrate this day every year with a great pride.

Background of the day : The background of our victory day was bloodstained. This victory day does not come to us in a normal way. This victory comes to us at the cost of thirty (30) lacks lives in our country. Our freedom fighters fought a nonstop fight for about nine months against modern weaponed Pakistani Military, with about 90,000 soldiers. At last finding, no other way the Pakistani commander Lieutenant General Niazi surrendered to major General Arrora of India on 16th December as a victory day.

The significance of the day : We should evaluate this day with great importance. Being inspired by the spirit of patriotism our freedom fighters fought for our independence. We should realize their sacrifices and should make possible effects to draw the dreams of our martyrs into reality. We have celebrated the Silver Jubilee of our independence but still, now we have not been able to grade up our economic condition. We are still now surrounded by thousands of problems and the socio-economic status of our country does not give us any prestigious picture. This is very tragic for us and makes us ashamed of our martyrs. We have got a victory day for our national life but we are still to go ahead a long way to have a real victory.

Celebrating of the day : The victory day is a red letter day in our national history. This day is celebrated nationally. Radio and Television announce special programs on the occasion of the day. Various political parties and cultural organizations also arrange various programs, processions, discussions. This day is also celebrated in educational institutions. Newspapers publish special news and literary views on this day.

Conclusion : We are proud that we are an independent nation and ours have an independent day as well as a victory day. The victory day gives us the lesson to keep our heads hoisted in the international atmosphere. This is a radiant day in our national life. It gives us the inspiration to stand against any Deception or exploitation.

Same composition collected from another book

16 December is our Victory Day. Every year this day is observed with great fervour (শক্তিমত্তা) and solemnity (ভাবগাম্ভীর্য). It is a red-letter day in the life of all the Bangladeshis. It comes with great hope and aspiration. It reminds us of the great sacrifices and struggle of the dedicated persons in 1971. Millions of people laid down their lives to uphold Bangladesh is the world map as a free and independent nation. We achieved our great historical independence in exchange of a sea of blood, on 16 December 1971. After the nine-month’s long struggle, the Pakistani occupied army were bound to leave our motherland on this remarkable day. So, it is a day of great pride for the Bangladeshis.

At the dead of night on 25 March, Pakistani army started to kill the Bengalees. The renowned persons such as the poets, the novelists and the scientists were killed inhumanly to make the country baseless. But the Bengalees stood against their ill intention. The Liberation War continued for long nine months. At last, the Pakistani army surrendered to the freedom fighters unconditionally. On 16 December 1971, Bangladesh became free from the enemy. So, it is considered as our ‘Victory Day’.

The occupied forces surrendered to the freedom fighters and the Allies in the Race Course Moidan at Suhrawardi Uddhan in Dhaka.

About ninety-two thousand Pak soldiers surrendered to the freedom fighters and the Allies including General Niazi and Rao Forman Ali. In world history, there emerged another independent country ‘Bangladesh’.

16 December, the Victory Day is the day of a great achievement for us. It is a good omen for us. Our nation has been considered as a heroic nation. Since then we started our glorious advancement from this historic day. So, this day is so important in the national arena of the Bangladeshis.

We celebrate the day with great respect. People visit the National Memorial at Savar to show their profound respect to the freedom fighters. Different socio-cultural organizations organize various programmes on this day. The audience enjoys the day with pride. In fact, we have lost most of our skilled and honourable fighters. This irrecoverable loss will never be fulfilled. But if we can ensure sound life for all, then only the great sacrifice of the martyrs will be garlanded. To make our victory day meaningful, we should try our best to abide by the rules and regulations of our country.
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