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Paragraph : St. Valentine’s Day

St. Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day comes every year in a jolly atmosphere to welcome the people with joy, pleasure, and amusement, or it can bring unbearable pain, suffering, and misery for the people who are refused by someone. Love is an internal thing of the human heart which we cannot touch but realize. This love grows in the human mind when he is an infant and it is continued in human mind till death. The name of Valentine’s Day has come from the name of Valentine who was a saint and sacrificed his life for his beloved. After his suicide, this day is celebrated with respect showing the love to all. His love was pure, absolute and true but nowadays love is dominated by material interest. Modern love is influenced by sensuality for from spirituality. Valentine’s Day is a European, American and Australian cultural tradition but now this tradition has spread all over the world. On Valentine’s Day, People go to receive their beloved with a flower stick and show their love. The beloved can receive the lover with the same attitudes. In the afternoon, they go to the park, cinema, and zoo with their beloved to welcome the day pleasantly and cheerfully. This day makes the festive atmosphere all over the world. It makes fraternity, brotherhood, communal harmony and equality among people. The object of Valentine’s Day is to establish world peace and foster love for humanity without destroying our own culture.


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