উত্তাল মার্চ

Application for changing Exam Centre

Write an application to the Controller of Examinations of the National University for the change of your examination centre.

Imagine that you are a student of Notre Dame College, Dhaka. So your BSc (pass) examination will be somewhere in Dhaka. But your father has been transferred from Dhaka to Rajshahi. So you want to sit for the examination at the Rajshahi Government College centre, because you will have to move there with your parents. 


The Controller of Examination
National University

Subject : Application for permission to change Examination Centre.

I have the honour to let you know that I am an examinee of BSc (Pass) Degree in Notre Dame College and naturally my examination centre would be somewhere in Dhaka City. My father who is a senior Asstt. Secretary of Ministry of Education, has been transferred from here to Rajshahi and I wish to sit for the examination in Rajshahi Govt. College Centre. I enclose herewith one copy of transfer letter of my father and relevant documents of my identity. In Dhaka, there is none to look after me. 

I these circumstances, I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue permission letter so that I may sit for the examination in Rajshahi Govt. College Centre. 

Yours obediently.

M. Karim
BSc (Pass) Examinee
Roll No. 20
Notre Dame College
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