উত্তাল মার্চ

Letter to mother to visit home with friend

Write a letter to your mother telling that you are coming home with a friend.

Imagine, you are a resident of D. College hostel. You have a room-mate named S. She is an accomplished girl and a scholar. She has never been to a village home and does not know what it is like. So you have persuaded her to accompany you this time to your village home and she has obtained the permission of her parents. 

D. College Hostel
July 3, 2020

My dear Mother,
I am very glad to receive your affectionate letter. You have wanted to know how I have been doing in the examination and when I shall come back home. Well mother, by the grace of Allah I have done well in all the theoretical papers. The practical examinations will be over on the 15th Instant. I hope to do well in the practical examinations also. I intend to return home on the 17th. This time I shall bring with me my room-mate ‘S’ about whom I told you many times before. ‘S’ is an accomplished girl and a scholar. I am proud that I have got a room-mate like her. She has never been to a village home and does not know what it is like. So I have persuaded her to accompany me this time and she has obtained the permission of her parents. I am sure, both you and father will find another daughter in her, better than I. I am also sure that she will find in you another mother not less affectionate than hers. For I know my mother’s quality and feel that in your company she will find a home away from her own. So much for the present. I am well. With love and respects to you and father. 

Your affectionate daughter 
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