উত্তাল মার্চ

Application for organizing a Literary Club

Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to organize a literary club.

Imagine, you are the Secretary in charge of Cultural Development, Govt. E. Girls’ College Students’ Union. There are many students among you who are gifted with literary talents. As there is no literary club in your college, it is not possible for them to develop their dormant talents. So you want a literary club should be organized in your college.

28th January 2020

The Principal
‘E’ Girls’ College

Subject : Prayer for organizing a ‘Literary Club’.

I, on behalf of the students of our college, beg to state that we intend to organize a ‘Literary Club’ in our college. There are many students among us, who are gifted with literary talents. It is not possible for them. to develop and fructify their dormant talents unless we have a forum for this purpose. We want to hold seminars and debates and publish magazines under the auspices of the contemplated ‘Literary Club’. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to accord us permission to organize a ‘Literary Club’ in our college and oblige us thereby. 

I remain

Your most obedient student,

Secretary in Charge of Cultural Development
Govt. ‘E’ Girls’ College Student’ Union.

-------Same application collected from another book-------

Imagine that you are the students of Naziur Rahman Degree College, Bhola. You want to organize a literary club/cultural organization. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to organize a literary club/cultural organization.

16 September 2020

The Principal
Naziur Rahman Degree College,

Subject : Prayer to organize a literary club/cultural organization.

We, the students of your college, would like to inform you that we are very eager to organize a literary club/cultural organization in our college. Our aim is to organize cultural functions and other cultural activities from time to time. We believe that it will widen our literary and cultural outlook. We also want to get you as the Chief Patron of the club.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to organize the said club and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,
The students of Naziur Rahman Degree College, Bhola.
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