উত্তাল মার্চ

Application for permission to go study tour

Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to go on a study tour.

or, Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for permission to go on an excursion.

Imagine, you are a student of Degree college. You, the students of Degree classes have decided to go on a study tour. You have chalked out a programme to visit Paharpur, Mahasthangarh and Mainamati. You will bear the expenditure yourselves on equal contribution. The tour will dispel your monotony and renew your zeal for study. This will also open up a vista of your past history and furnish you will much knowledge.

December 29, 2020

The Principal
‘K’ Govt. University College

Subject : For permission to go on a study tour/excursion.

We, the students of the Degree classes of your college, beg to state that we intend to undertake a study tour/excursion of some important historical places of our country. We have already chalked out a programme which includes visit to Paharpur, Mahasthangarh and Mainamati. Such a visit will go a long way to dispel our monotony and renew our zeal for study. Besides, this will open up a vista of our distant past and furnish us with much knowledge.

Our party will consist of 150 students and two teachers from the Department of General History. We shall need fifteen days to complete the programme. The expenditure will be borne by ourselves on equal contribution.

In the circumstances, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to accord your permission to this programme and oblige.

We remain

Your most obedient students
1. Rafiqul Islam, 2nd year, (B. Sc) Roll No. 50
2. Wahidul Islam Murad, 2nd year, (B. Com) Roll No. 25
3. Mohammad Swapan, 2nd year, (B. A.) Roll No. 34
On behalf of the others.

-------Same application collected from another book-------

Suppose, you are the student of Agricultural University College, Mymensingh. The student of your class wants to go on a study tour. So you need permission of the Principal. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college seeking his permission to go on a study tour.

Or, Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to go on a study tour.

Or, Imagine that you are the capital of your class. Now, write an application to your Principal asking for sanctioning some money for arranging a study tour.

Or, Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to pass necessary orders for a study tour for the outgoing students of class XII after the send-up test.

June 10, 2020

The Principal
Agricultural University College,

Subject : Prayer for arranging a study tour.

Dear Sir,
On behalf of the students of Class XI, I would like to inform you that we are keenly interested to go on a study tour under the banner of your college. Study tour is a part of our education. I do not only help us to get to know the outside world but also broadens our mind and intellect about the outer world beyond our studies. We have, however, chosen Cox’s Bazar as our tour spot. We have also contributed taka 3,000/- per student to our English teacher. We need taka 30,000/- more to make the programme a success. We also help that you would kindly select a teacher to guide us ably during the tour hours.

I, therefore, would like to request you to sanction the necessary amount and select a teacher as a tour guide and oblige thereby.

Your most obedient student,

Class Captain
On behalf of the students of Class XI of your college.


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