পহেলা বৈশাখ

Application for repair of roads

Write an application to the relevant Thana Nirbahi Officer for taking steps to repair some roads.

Imagine, some roads have been very badly damaged by the recent flood. They have become terribly risky and unfit for use by both pedestrians and vehicular traffic. It is necessary to repair them immediately. 

10th February 2020

The Thana Nirbahi Officer
‘K’ P.S.

Subject: Repair of roads.

Dear Sir,
I have the honour to state that the roads mentioned below as running through your jurisdiction have been very badly damaged by the recent flood which has left them terribly risky and unfit for use by both pedestrians and vehicular traffic: 
1. K. B. Road
2. H. D. Road
3. K. P. Road

May I, therefore, request you kindly to take necessary measures towards repairing those roads at an early date and oblige. 

Yours obediently,

-------Same application collected from another book-------

Suppose, you are an inhabitant of the village Shibpur in Roypur union in the district of Gazipur. The roads of your village have been damaged during the recent flood. The villagers face difficulties to go from one place to another, vehicles cannot ply along the roads. Now, write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad to repair the damaged roads immediately.

October 21, 2020

The Chairman
Roypur Union Parishad,

Subject : Prayer for repairing damaged roads.

Dear Sir,
On behalf of the people of Shibpur, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that some of the roads of Shibpur have been seriously damaged due to the recent flood. Specially, the main road which is the only means of communication to the town has been damaged during the recent flood. Besides, there have been some holes on the road due to which the rickshaw passengers experience terrible jerking. The suffering of the people has reached its climax due to the poor and bad condition of the road.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take some steps for the repair of the damaged roads and sanction necessary amount of money for the same and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours

Abul Basher
On behalf of the inhabitants of Shibpur village.

-------Same application collected from another book-------

An important road in your locality has been damaged badly. So you are suffering much for it. Now write an application to your Union Council Chairman to repair the road. 

The Chairman
Rasulpur Union Parishad
Matlab, Comilla.

Subject : Prayer for repairing a road. 
With due respect and humble submission, we, the inhabitants of Rasulpur Union, beg to lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration and favourable treatment. 

A main road runs from our union to thana Sadar and district Sadar. 

But this main road has been damaged badly. There occurred big holes and breakages at different points of this way. Some parts of the road become muddy when it rains. The road has been so badly damaged that vehicles cannot ply without risk of accidents. Even walking on foot at night has become dangerous as there are big holes in all the roads. As a result, the people are suffering much. Because this road is mostly used by the people of this locality to communicate with thana, district and other places for their day to day life needs. About one thousand students come and go to school daily along this road. So, it is very essential to repair it for the smooth communication of thousands of people. 

We, therefore, fervently pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to repair the road and mitigate our sufferings. 

Yours faithfully

X, Y, Z
On behalf of the
inhabitants of
Rasulpur Union


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