উত্তাল মার্চ

Application for a seat in the hostel

Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for a seat (accommodation) in the college hostel.

Imagine, you have been staying in Dhaka with your brother-in-law. He has been transferred to Chattogram. He will move to Chattogram with his family in a month. This has caused you a serious accommodation problem. You have no other relative on Dhaka with whom you can stay. So you need a seat in the college hostel. 

3rd August 2020

The Principal
‘X’ College, ‘Y’

Subject : For a seat in the hostel.

I beg to state that my brother-in-law with whom I have been staying here in Dhaka has been transferred to Chattogram. He is moving to Chattogram with his family this month. It has caused me a serious accommodation problem. I have no other relative here with whom I can stay.

May I, therefore, hope and pray that you would be kind enough to take necessary measures towards allotment of a seat in the college hostel in my favour immediately and oblige.

I remain

Your most obedient student

2nd year (BSc)

-------Same application collected from another book-------

Suppose, you are Milky and you are a student of B. L. College, Khulna. You father has been transferred to Chittagong from here. You have no relative here. So, you need accommodation in the hostel. Now, Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for a seat in the college hostel.

Or, Write an application to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel.

Or, Write an application to the Principal of your college for accommodation in the college hostel.

Or, Suppose, you are a student of XI class of X college. Write an application to your Principal for a seat in your college hostel.

27 July 2020

The Principal
B. L. College, Khulna.

Subject : Prayer for a seat in the college hostel.

Dear Sir,
I would like to inform that I am a student of class XI in your college. I have been studying in this college for the last few years staying in our rented house. Recently, my father has been transferred from Khulna to Chittagong. Our family has already left Khulna for Chittagong. Now, I have been staying for few days in one of my friend’s house. I want to continue my study in this reputed college. So, I need a seat in the college hostel.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allot me a seat in the college hostel and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours

Class XI (Science Group), Section A, Roll 3
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