পহেলা বৈশাখ

Application for sinking tube-well

Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad to sink a tube-well in your locality.

Suppose, you are ‘Z’ of village ‘X’ within Word No 2 of ‘R’ Union Parishad. There is only one tube-well in your village and that stands at one extremity. So the people of the other part of the village suffer greatly for scarcity of pure drinking water. 

20th January 2020

The Chairman
‘R’ Union Parishad

Subject: Sinking a tube-well.

Dear Sir,
I beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that there is only one tube-well in the whole of village ‘X’ within Ward No. 2 in our Union, and that, too, stands at one end of the village. So the people of the other part suffer greatly for scarcity of pure drinking water. 

I would, therefore, request you kindly to take steps towards sinking a tube-well at another suitable site of the village with an eye to the maximum benefit of the maximum number of people. For this act of your favour we shall remain ever grateful. 

Yours faithfully,

-------Same application collected from another book-------

Imagine you are Rana/Rani living in the village named Ashrafpur, under No. 10 Ashrafpur Union. The people of your village have been suffering for want to pure drinking water. Now, write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council to sink at least three tubewells in your village.

October 20, 2020
The Chairman
Ashrafpur Union Council,

Subject : Prayer for sinking three tube tubewells.

We would like to state that ours is a populous village. But unfortunately, there is not even a single tubewell in the village. So, the people have to drink impure water of the ponds. Most of them face troubles to fetch water from a distant village. As a result, many people often suffer from diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, etc. Sometimes such disease carry off a large number of lives. Now sinking of at least three tubewells in the village is a crying need which may save many lives. 

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to make necessary arrangement to set up a tubewell at an early date and oblige thereby. 

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of the people of Ashrafpur.


  1. it's Cool and suitable 😌✌️And very helpful 🌸 anyway thanks

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