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Application for sports and science journals

Write an application to the Principal of your college for sports and science journals for Students’ Common Room.

Suppose, you are the secretary in charge of Students’ Common Room at D. Government College. You find that the present world is seriously interested in games and sports which make head-lines almost every day in newspapers. Besides in this age of science newer and newer research findings in scientific matters appear every now and then in the relevant journals. But reading materials in these fields are not provided in the Students’ Common Room of your college.

10th August 2020

The Principal
D. Govt. College

Subject: For sports and science journals.

I beg to bring to your kind notice that there are no sports and science journals in our “Students’ Common Room”. This is the age of science. Newer and newer research findings in scientific matters appear almost every day in the relevant journals. Besides, games and sports all over the world have now become matters of serious interest. We shall fail to be in the swim unless we are provided with reading materials on these topics.

I, therefore, request you kindly to provide our “Students’ Common Room” with two science journals and two sports journals at an early date and oblige.

I remain

Your most obedient student,

Secretary in charge of Students’ Common Room
D. Govt. College Students’ Union

-------Same application collected from another book-------

Suppose, you are Sumon/Sumona and you are the student of Khulna Govt. College. Your common room facilities are not sufficient to meet up your demand. Now, write an application to your Principal or behalf of the students requesting him to increase common room facilities as soon as possible.

Or, Suppose, you are Sumon/Sumona. You are a regular student of XII class of Khulna Govt. College. You have a common room without modern facilities. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college for increasing facilities for the college common room.

Or, Write an application to the Principal of Khulna Govt. College for increasing facilities in the college common room.

August 24, 2020

The Principal
Barisal College, Barisal.

Subject : Prayer for increasing common room facilities.

We, the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the following fact that our common room is not well furnished. It does not provide much scope of enjoyment and entertainment. We cannot enjoy our off period for want of indoor sports materials such as chess, carom, table tennis, etc. Also, there is no television set. It is the most common source of entertainment. It has got educative value, too. The students can see the whole world on the screen of TV and can learn many things about the world. There is no arrangement of keeping more dailies magazines. Periodicals, etc. which are part and parcel for us. All these things mirror the whole world. But we are deprived of all those things.

Under the above circumstances, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to realize the problem we face and consider the matter sympathetically.

Your most obediently,

Class XII, Roll No. 3
On behalf of the students in your college.
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