উত্তাল মার্চ

Application for timely results publication

Write an application to the Controller of Examinations of the Bangladesh National University for the timely publication of your results.

Suppose, you have appeared at the B.A. examination of the Bangladesh National University. Two months and a half have already elapsed since you completed the examination, but the results of the examination have not yet been published. Delay in the publication of examination results puts the students to various kinds of problems. 

1st April 2020

The Controller of Exams.
Bangladesh National University, Gazipur

Subject: Prayer for the timely publication of results.

We, the undersigned degree examinees, bet most respectfully to state that two and a half months have already passed since our degree examinations ended, but the results are not yet published. We are very much anxious about it. You know that the students suffer in various ways if the results are not published in time. Delayed publication of results means late admissions into the next higher classes and the lengthening of academic career and more expenditure on the part of the guardians. 

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to expedite the publication of the results and oblige us. 

Yours obediently,

Abdul Khaleque
Amin Ahmed
Bazlul Karim
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