পহেলা বৈশাখ

Job application for Police Sub-Inspector

Imagine, you have seen in the Bangladesh Observer dated 02/03/2020 an advertisement inviting application for appointment as Sub-Inspector of Police. You think that you deserve an appointment. Now prepare an application to the Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters, Dhaka for appointment as a Police Sub-Inspector. State in details about your qualification and fitness for the post. 

15th March 2020

The Inspector-General of Police
Police Headquarters
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Subject: Appointment as Police Sub-Inspector.

In response to your advertisement published on 02.03.2020 in the Bangladesh Observer, I beg hereby to approach you for appointment as a Sub-Inspector of Police. 

I passed the SSC and HSC examinations (Humanities Group) of the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka in 2011 and 2013 respectively from ‘S’ School & College, Dhaka, and was placed in the first division in both. I obtained BA Degree under National University in 2015 and secured second class. 

Althrough my career as a student I had been a good athlete and an all-round sportsman. I am fond of an active and thrilling outdoor life. I have all along remained away from active politics and abided by the rules of law and discipline. 

I possess a healthy and robust physique. I am now 22 years of age and am a citizen of Bangladesh by birth. I body measurement conforms to what has been required in the advertisement. 

I enclose herewith copies of some certificates and testimonials in respect of my character, intelligence, parts and proficiency. 

I sincerely hope that if I am selected for appointment I shall prove myself worthy of the same and discharge my duties to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. 

I have the honour to be

Yours most obediently,

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