উত্তাল মার্চ

Application for financial help

Imagine, that your father is a very poor day labourer. He has to maintain a large family with his small income. At present, he has become a debtor because of his month long illness. So, write an application to your Principal for financial help from the college poor fund.


The Principal
A. K. High School and College,

Subject : Application for financial help from the college poor fund.

With due respect, I like to draw your kind attention to the fact that I am a very poor student of your reputed institution in class XI, Science group. Now I am not in a position to buy my necessary books and pay my tuition fees because of my father’s hard up position. My father is a day labourer who has to maintain a large family of eight members. At present, he has become a debtor for his month-long illness. Now, it is quite impossible for him to buy me new books and pay my tuition fees.

I, therefore, earnestly request you to grant me some financial help from the college poor fund so that I may buy my necessary books and pay my tuition fees.

Your most obedient pupil,

Jubaida Khanam
Class XI (Humanities Group), Roll No 3
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