পহেলা বৈশাখ

Application for grant money for excursion

Your class wants to go on an excursion to Cox’s Bazar. You need some monetary help from your Principal. Now, write an application to your Principal for some money for excursion.

23 July 2020

The Principal
Victoria College,

Subject : Prayer for grant of money for excursion.

We, some 30 students of class XI (Science Group) want to go on an excursion to Cox’s Bazar and Rangamati. Both these place are of great geographical importance. So, a visit to them will provide us with a better and clear idea of the heritage of Bangladesh. Seeing things for oneself is always regarding. It is all the more rewarding to see the world’s largest sea beach and relics and remnants of the past. 

We, therefore, request you to be kind enough to grant an adequate amount of money for the excursion and oblige thereby. 

Yours most obediently,

Abul Basher
Class Captain
On behalf of the students of class XI of your college


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