পহেলা বৈশাখ

Application for holding coaching classes

The results of the Test Examination of your school are not satisfactory. You want to develop it by coaching. Now write an application to your Headmaster for holding coaching classes after the test exams.

15th December, 2018

The Headmaster
X High School,

Subject : Prayer for holding coaching classes.

With due respect and humble submission we the SSC examinees 2018, beg to lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration and favourable treatment. 

Our test examination is over. But we are sorry to approach you with the fact that we cut a sorry figure in the examination. We secured poor marks specially in English, General Matheratics. Physics, Chemistry and Higher Mathematics. Moreover our course has not been completed yet. If we get proper coaching, we expect to cut a good figure in the coming SSC Examination. We have talked about it with some senior teachers. They agreed with us. 

It is, therefore, prayed and hoped that you would be kind enough to make necessary steps of holding coaching classes and oblige thereby. 

We remain,

Yours most obediently

The students of class X
of your school.
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