পহেলা বৈশাখ

Application for providing street-lights

Write a letter to the Mayor of the municipality of your town asking him to provide street-lights in your locality.

08 August 2020

The Mayor
Jhalakathi Municipality,

Subject : Prayer for providing street-lights in Sadar Road area.

Dear Sir,
On behalf of the people of Jhalkathi Sadar Road area of your municipality, I would like to inform you that we have been suffering a lot for the want of street-lights in our locality. Hence, people cannot go out of their houses at night as there are no street-lights on the street. Young women or girls feel insecure to walk at night even in their need as the wayward boys and drug-addicted miscreants cover the dark area for their evil desire.

May, I, therefore, hope and pray that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to provide streets-lights in our locality and oblige thereby.

Yours ever

M.A. Matin
On behalf of the people of Jhalakhathi Sadar Road Municipal Area.
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