আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Application for setting up charitable dispensary

There are no treatment facilities in your area. So, every year many people die of many diseases. Now, write an application to the Deputy Commissioner for setting up a charitable dispensary.

24 February, 2020

The Deputy Commissioner

Subject : Prayer for setting up a charitable dispensary.

We, the inhabitants of Kusumpur village under P.S. Matlab in the district of Comilla, beg to lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration and favourable treatment.

You know that there are about five thousand people in our village. Most of the villagers are poor. There is no qualified doctor in our village. There are only two quacks who often fail to treat serious diseases. Again the villagers cannot afford the services of a competent physician for want of money. Then they go without medical treatment when they fall ill. The nearest charitable dispensary which is at the Thana Headquarters, is more than five miles away from home. There is a big river from our village to Thana Headquarters. So it is simply impossible to take patients there. It often happens that patients die before they are taken to the hospital. To relieve the long-felt sufferings of the villagers we badly need a charitable dispensary in our locality.

We, therefore, fervently pray and hope that you would be kind enough to make an enquire and set up a charitable dispensary.

We remain

The inhabitants of Kusumpur.

Same application collected from another book

5 November 2021

The Upazila Nirbahi Officer
Nagarkanda, Faridpur.

Subject : Application for setting up a charitable dispensary.

On behalf of the people of Rasulpur, I, the undersigned, would like to draw your kind attention to the deplorable (দুঃখজনক) fact that we are suffering from a sever crisis due to post-flood diseases. Many of us have undergone serious diarrhoeal and skin diseases. Most of the people are poor living from hand to mouth and they lack and knowledge of health and hygiene. We are afraid that there may occur an epidemic. Now, we look for your concern and hope that you would kindly visit the area in person and establish a charitable (দাতব্য) dispensary as well as appoint a doctor at least for a few weeks so that the poor people can get the minimum health care and be saved from any unexpected (অপ্রত্যাশিত) catastrophe (বিপর্যয়/আকস্মিক বিপত্তি).

I would, therefore, fervently hope that you would kindly consider the case and be sympathetic to us and establish immediately a charitable dispensary in our locality.

M. H. Khan
On behalf of the people of Rasulpur
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