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Application for setting up a common room

Imagine, you are Nafis/Nafisa of class XI and you are reading in Amrita Lal Dey College, Barisal. Your college does not have a common room. Now, write an application to your Principal to set up a common room in your college.

July 20, 2020

The Principal
Amrita Lal Dey College,

Subject : Prayer to set up a common room.

We, the students of your college would like to inform you that there is no common room in our college. A common room provides the students with an opportunity to pass their leisure in a happy environment. It is an integral part of any educational institution. The students can play indoor games and read newspapers during leisure here. As there is no common room in the college, students move and gossip here and there. It is odd-looking and makes chaos.

We. therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to set up a common room in the college and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,

Class XI (Science Group), Roll No. 3
On behalf of all the students of Amrita Lal Dey College.

-------Same application collected from another book-------

Suppose you, Imran Hossen, read in Pallabi High School. You have no common room in your school. You have been deprived of many facilities for want of it. Now write an application to your Headmaster for opening a common room in your school.

15 February, 2020

The Headmaster
Pallabi High School,

Subject : Prayer for opening a common room.

With due respect and humble submission, I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg to lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration and favourable treatment.

We are proud of being the students of this famous institution. In our school, we enjoy many kinds of co-curricular activities. But we are sorry to say that we have no common room in our school. After three hours’ class, we naturally want to refresh our tired brain bypassing our time over the pages of a newspaper or playing carom in a separate room. But as there is no separate arrangement for those, we spend our leisure hours either by gossipping or roaming aimlessly in the sun. So we keenly feel the necessity of opening a common room in our school.

May I, therefore, Pray and hope that you would be kind enough to open a common room in our school and oblige thereby.

I remain Sir,
Yours most obediently,

Imran Hossen
On behalf of the students of
Pallabi High School.
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