উত্তাল মার্চ

Email about greeting for birthday

You are Arif. Read the following email sent by your uncle and write a reply email to him for his nice birthday present/gift. 

To : < arif.chittagong @ myallgarbage.com >
Cc : ......................................................
Bcc : < asadulislam.gulsan @ myallgarbage.com >
Subject : Greeting for the birthday.

My dear Arif,
It is your birthday on Saturday, so – many happy returns of the day! I am sending you a camera to celebrate the event, as I know you are keen on photography and hope you will find it useful.

With all best wishes for the best of luck from your uncle.

Your loving uncle,

Asadul Islam
Gulsan-2, Dhaka
Tell : 088-01000-000000
Email : < asadulislam.gulsan @ myallgarbage.com >

Reply Mail

To : < asadulislam.gulsan @ myallgarbage.com >
Cc : ................................................
Bcc : < arif.chittagong @ myallgarbage.com >
Subject : Thanks-giving for nice gift.

Venerable Uncle,
I have become overjoyed for getting the camera from you as my birthday present. Thank you very much for the presentation. I would have become more happiness if you had come to join my birthday anniversary.

Hope you are hale and hearty. We are well. Please convey my best regards to auntie and love to Sadia. Wish you all the best.

Yours affectionate nephew,

Lalkhan Bazar, Chittagong
Tell : 088-01000-000000
Email : < arif.chittagong @ myallgarbage.com >
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