Use and Abuses of Science
↬ Uses and Abuses of the Wonders of Science
Modern science has achieved tremendous achievement during the last few
decades. Actually, modern civilization is the gift of modern science. Science
has invented many wonders. Day and night, we make use of innumerable
inventions of science. But the invention of modern science has not only uses
but also abuses.
The invention of electricity is of great use to us. Now, we can light electric
lamps, run fans, televisions, pumps, refrigerators, washing machine,
telephone, fax, computer, cinema, etc. very easily. Besides, almost all mills
and factories are run by electricity. There are also electric trains, printing
presses, cookers, irons, sewing machines, etc. run by electricity.
The inventions of science have helped to conquer space and time. We can now go from one place to another in a very short time. We can now send messages to a
great distance in a second. We can talk to anybody in any part of the world at any time by phone.
In the field of amusement, the invention of science has brought a
revolutionary change. Radio broadcasts songs, music, news, discussion, etc.
Nowadays, television telecasts all programmes in digital colour. By fax, any writing or picture can be sent to a great distance very shortly. Internet is yet another wonderful invention of modern science.
Spinning of yarn, weaving of cloth and sewing of clothes can be done at great speed by using the invention of science. Food-processing, house-building,
constructing roads and bridges can be done very quickly. Millions of pages can be printed or reproduced in a short time. A calculator can solve any difficult
mathematical problem in no time.
The invention of science is of great use in the field of medical science that it has discovered the causes of most of the diseases and their remedies. A
deadly disease like TB and cancer has been conquered. Cholera has also been
brought under control. Smallpox has been eliminated. The X-ray and other
diagnostic instruments are also mentionable.
Science has increased food production greatly. If we can apply the scientific
methods properly, there will be no hunger in the world. Tractors, power-pumps,
fertilizers, high-yielding varieties of crops and irrigation techniques have
revolutionized agriculture.
But the invention of science is not an unmixed blessing. Science has also
invented guns, bombs, atom-bombs and missiles, battleship and fighter plans,
chemical and biological weapons and the most destructive nuclear weapons. By
abusing these, a powerful country is attaching another weak county to capture
its freedom and gain its wealth.
There are many areas of our everyday life where we depend on science. Though
the inventions of science have some abuses, it's blessing to us is very
remarkable and undeniable.
Same composition collected from another book
Science means knowledge gained through experiments and research. Science
does many things for the development of human civilization. The modern age
is a gift of science. Science has really a kind of magic in it. It can do
Our agricultural and industrial development is fully dependent on modern
science. We now cultivate our land with power tillers. The production of
crops is increasing day by day with the help of chemical fertilizers and
insecticides. Science also helps us in inventing new hybrid seeds. In
industrial areas, science is the only contributor. All the industries run
with the knowledge and help of science. From the needles to rockets,
everything produced in industry is the contribution of science.
We see the influence of science at every step of our life. It has changed
the mode of life. It has created many things for our comfort. Science today
has taken possession of the world. The pen we write with, the shirt we put
on, the bicycle we ride - all are the products of science. Electricity has
worked wonders. With the touch of switch, we get our lights dazzling, fans
whirling and radios and televisions singing and talking. The gifts of
science are always seen everywhere.
Telephones, mobile phones, fax, telegram, etc are great wonders of science.
We can instantly communicate with people or persons through them. Radio and
television are also great media for communication and recreation Cinema,
tape recorder, CD and VCD players, Satellite TV, etc are some remarkable
gifts of science for our recreation.
Science has done a lot in diagnosing and treating patients. X-ray, CT scan,
Ultrasonography, ECG, Biopsy, various life-saving antibiotics, etc are the
wonderful gifts of science. Modern medical science has given eyes to the
blind, hearing to the deaf, legs to the lame and what not.
It has made the world smaller and faster. Buses, trains, aeroplanes, etc can
take us from one place to another within a short time.
Computer and internet are the greatest wonders of modern science. They are
doing various difficult tasks for us within a very short time. Sometimes,
science becomes a curse. Science is for the benefit of mankind but out of
selfish motives, man misuses science and brings untold sufferings. Some
scientists have invented some dreadful weapons. Tanks, our desired missiles,
torpedoes, atom and hydrogen bombs can easily destroy the world in a moment.
The invention of science is to do good to human beings. Science brings
happiness and prosperity. But if it is misused, it may bring destruction.
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