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Composition : Buying a Mobile Phone

Buying a Mobile Phone

Mobile phone is one of the wonder of modern science. It has added a new dimension to our way of life and to the communication system. It is a telephone system that works without any wire. Obviously, mobile telecommunication has become a part of modern life. Nowadays, buying a mobile phone is not a luxury. In this poor country like Bangladesh, people use mobile phones to do rapid communication. 

There is a great demand for mobile phone in our country. At present, the use and popularity of mobile phone is increasing. Almost every educated person has a mobile phone. The business people, as well as people of other professions, buy a mobile set for better communication. As a mobile phone is easily carriable and useful for quick communication, people prefer to buy mobile phone to land phone. 

Buying a mobile phone has become a necessity today. In todays globalised world, we can’t function properly without a mobile phone. However, buying a mobile phone is not easy. It is still costly enough for poor people to buy this. Besides, the charge for mobile cell is still beyond the reach of the poor. If the cell charge is reduced to a reasonable price, more and more people will tend to buy it. 

Mobile phone is now a part of our daily life. We buy and use it for our need. Still, it serves the purpose of one’s hobby, Specially, young people do take a mobile set as a matter of pride and prestige. They have a strong fasciation for buying a mobile set if the fund is available. 

There are many mobile networks in Bangladesh. Among them, the Grameen phone covers the widest range. Banglalink, Robi and Airtel, however, have also wider links. These mobile companies sometimes offer mobile phone at a relatively cheap price and people then crowd their sale centres. I too bought a mobile set from Grameen phone stall in the last mobile fair. It was exciting to buy a set at a cheap price. This mobile gives me both joy and pleasure. It has made my way of life easier.
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