পহেলা বৈশাখ

Composition : Festivals


Festivals are common to all societies and cultures. With the change of social and economic structures, the nature of festivals also change. But some festivals are so deeply rooted in the social organism that they continue to entertain from generation to generation. Some of the festivals bear the mark of the community and nationality, some have the stamp of religion, and again some bear the impression of politics. The festivals, which got started in the primitive society centreing on the prayer for food, have now been filled with various colour and varieties.

The main foundation of festivals is ritual and most of the ancient rituals were collective activities. Many of the rituals were related to agriculture and were determined by lunar months. The ancient rituals were magical processes to tame supernatural power; in the subsequent cultures, this characteristic feature was retained. The spontaneous agro-based ancient festivals lost their spontaneity with the passing of time and become more formal.

Although most of the festivals were related to religions, these did not evolve on account of religions – they originated spontaneously in the society. Later on, they assumed more formal character. As for example, not very long ago, singing and music was a part of the Eid festival of the Muslims of Bengal, which was an expression of spontaneity. But now it is not there. Nowadays, these festivals are more formal than before, but new social dimensions have been added to them; they have become occasions of mutual exchange of pleasantries among friends are relatives.

Many of the religious festivals that are prevalent in Bangladesh are of ancient folk origin. Later on, religions have turned them formal. In this respect, special mention should be made of Eid and Muharram of the Muslims. From time to time ‘folk culture’ have influenced these festivals, as a result of which the original religious practices have changed. Thus the religious practices and pattern of life of the Muslims of Bangladesh and those of the Middle East and Indonesia are not the same.

আরো দেখুন :
রচনা : বাংলাদেশের উৎসব
রচনা : ঈদ উৎসব
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