আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Composition : Government Alone Cannot Remove Illiteracy

Government Alone Cannot Remove Illiteracy

Illiteracy is the curse of the nation. In Bangladesh, we are passing through a crucial time regarding our illiteracy. In the third world countries, like Bangladesh, the people are clinging to illiteracy. Record shows that less than half of the total population of Bangladesh, can claim to have literacy while the rests are quite illiterate and ignorant. 

Now at the initial stage, it seems that only our Government can eliminate illiteracy at the best possible order. Govt. personnel with all its device can legitimately (লিজিটিমেটলি-বৈধভাবে) help the people to be educated without the least possible doubt and delay. From public census (সেন্‌সাস্‌-আদমশুমারি), the Government can easily assess the number of illiterate residing both in rural and urban areas. Based on all the academic institutions and the seat of learning, the Government can easily extend its patronization (প্যাট্রনাইজেশন-পৃষ্ঠপোষকতা) to minimize illiteracy. 

To fulfil this aim, it can use devices like broadcasting several education programmes both on TV and the radio, expending the range of adult education, removing superstitious (সুপারস্টিশাস-কুসংস্কার) belief and poverty emphasizing on female education. An extra amount may be kept reserved and a bill must be passed in parliament to make necessary arrangement for bringing down illiteracy in our country. But if we consider the fact practically, we can easily understand that alone Government is not able to eliminate (ইলিমিনেইট-দূর করা) illiteracy from society. There are a lot of obstacles (অবস্টাকল্‌স-প্রতিবন্ধকতা/বাধা) which Government alone cannot remove. 

Government and people can work as a helping hand for each other in this aspect. Students can take a great role to render help for removing illiteracy. Holding night schools, the students can play the responsibility to teach their fellow (ফেলাউ-একত্রে সমাজে বসবাসরত) brothers and sisters. In rural and urban areas, govt. and non-govt. employees can also do something for removing illiteracy from their family. On the cooperative and voluntary (ভলান্ট্রি-স্বেচ্ছাপ্রণোদিত) basis, the literate people can lend their hands by teaching the illiterate people. The head of the family or housewife can also teach a little boy or girl working in the home. 

In fine, it is suggested that the combined procedure of both the Government and citizen should be made to remove illiteracy.
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