আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Composition : Your Daily Life

My Daily Life

↬ Your Daily Routine of Work

↬ How You Pass Your Days

A man cannot shine (শাইন – উন্নতি করা) in his life without a routine (রুটিন - সূচি) of work. I am a student. So, I pass my days according to a daily routine. 

I get up from my bed early in the morning. Then, I attend to the call of nature and brush my teeth and say my prayer. Soon after, I go out for a walk and take my breakfast (ব্রেকফাস্ট – সকালের খাবার) with my parents. 

I prepare (প্রিপেয়ার – তৈরি করি) my lesson and do my home-task carefully. At 9:30 am, I bathe and take my meal. I put on my school dress and start for (যাত্রা করি) school at 10:30 am. 

I remain at school from 11:00 am to 4:30 pm. During this period, I listen to what the teachers say in the classes with great attention (গ্রেট অ্যাটেনশন – বিশেষ মনোযোগ). When the school hour is over, I come back home. 

In the afternoon, I take light food and go to the playground (প্লে গ্রাউন্ড – খেলার মাঠ) for playing. Sometimes I work at my garden. 

When evening draws near, I come back home. I go to my reading room and devote (ডিভোট – মনোনিবেশ করা) myself to reading and writing. I take supper at 10 pm, and before going to bed, I look for a while on the newspapers and magazines. 

Man is not a machine. He is a social being. He needs human association and recreation. So, I make time to spend with the members of my family, my friends and relations. I also watch TV sometimes and never miss my entertainment shows to witness. 

On holidays, I visit my relatives and friends. I say my prayers regularly. I am habituated (হ্যাবিচুয়েটেড - অভ্যস্ত) inflowing the daily routine and find much pleasure (প্লেজার - আনন্দ).


  1. Its an amazing composition!
    It really benefitted me

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