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Paragraph : Bangladesh Cricket Team

Bangladesh Cricket Team

I like Bangladesh Cricket Team as it has created coruscation all over the world. Bangladesh has advanced in playing cricket. At present cricket is parallel to football. The popularity of cricket has been in full progression in Bangladesh just after Bangladesh has won the ICC trophy in 1997. Since 1991 Bangladesh has been doing well in the field of cricket and 1997 she won the ICC prophy and got chance to play in World Cup Cricket tournament in Great Britain in 1999. Bangladesh also showed outstanding performance in the World Cup tournament by defeating the strongest teams like India, Pakistan, Australia, South Africa, West Indies and Zimbabwe. It has become so strong that it does not dare to face any other team like India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Pakistan, West Indies, South Africa, England, Newzeland, Zimbabwe. The cricket loves throughout the world have greatly been astonished at the marvelous achievement of Bangladesh Cricket Team. It is expected that Bangladesh cricket team will one day win the world cup by showing their skill and exclusive performance. What we see now, the cricket team is not performing well. I think it needs more active and advanced players and uncorrupted members of governing body. However, I believe Bangladesh cricket team can do something exceptional and fulfils the hopes and aspirations of the people of Bangladesh. Again, I like Bangladesh Cricket Team very much as I can observe team spirit, enthusiasm and commitment in it. In fact, I am optimistic of Bangladesh Cricket Team thinking that it can won the World Cup in near future.


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