পহেলা বৈশাখ

Composition : A Sad Event / Moment in Your Life

A Sad Event / Moment in Your Life

Many events happened in my life. All are not equally fresh and memorable. However, I cannot forget a very sad event which was going to spoil my life and career. 

I was a student of class V. I was selected by the school as a participant in the Primary Scholarship Examination. I was well prepared to take the exam. As I was the first day in the class, our teachers expected my success in the examination. They coached me properly and I grew confident about it. It was 23 December 2012. I was going to take the exam. I was behind my father on the Motor Bike which he was driving. In the middle of our way to the exam hall, suddenly he pulled the brake. Perhaps, an old man was crossing the road. As he pulled the brake, I fall down on the road. Then there arose a high sound, and I lost my sense. 

Later, I found myself in a hospital. A doctor and a nurse were putting a bandage on my left leg. I felt acute pain as they were doing this. Later on, I came to learn from my father that he and I got a narrow escape from a truck which was coming from behind. 

I could not take the scholarship exam. One of my dreams, thus, remained unfulfilled. I was lucky that I only suffered a bread and was saved from death. However, it pained me much that I could not fulfil the dream of my teachers and parents. It was really a sad moment in my life.
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