Chart - 2
The bar-chart below shows the amount of production of winter vegetables (number in thousand tons). Write a summary analysing the information given below and give a title to it :

Production of Winter Vegetables
The Bar-Chart shows the amount of production of winter vegetables (in thousand tons). After analysing the chart, we notice that cabbage gets the highest production among all winter vegetables. It is produced 119 thousand tons in one winter season. And the lowest production goes to chichinga. It is produced 12 thousand tons only. The second-highest position in production goes to cauliflower which amounts in 82 thousand tons. On the other hand, the second-lowest position in production of winter vegetables goes to puishak. Its amount of production in one season above 18 thousand tons. And the production of cucumber is 22 thousand tons in one winter season which is in the third position. As we see in the data, the amount of production of winter vegetables is not same for all. Naturally, the amount of production varies with weather, soil, demand and such other variables.