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Email about collecting stamps

Suppose, you are interested in collecting stamps. One of your pen-friends lives in Jakarta, Indonesia. Now, send an email to your friend why and how you collect the stamps.

To : < rocky @ myallgarbage.com >
Cc : ................................................
Bcc : < shifat @ myallgarbage.com >
Subject : About collecting stamps.

Dear Rocky,
I received a letter from mother yesterday. I opened the letter and found eight old postage stamps. What a joy it was to me! 

You know stamp collection is my favourite hobby. I find much pleasure in collecting stamp. I take off stamps from letters and keep them in my album. I collect all stamps old or new, local or foreign. My friends living in Australia and Japan sometimes send them. If I get one more of any kind, I exchange it for another. In this way, I have collected a lot of them. 

You are also very eager to know why I collect stamps. You know I love beauty. I get from stamps beautiful designs which charm me. These stamps help me to learn many things about the history and geography of a certain country and its natural beauty as well as cultural activity and social custom. So, I get both pleasure and knowledge from stamp collection. No more today. I am quite well. 

Wish you all the best.

Yours ever

Tell : 088-01000-000000
Email < shifat @ myallgarbage.com >
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