উত্তাল মার্চ

Email about consoling death news

You are Arman. Read the following email sent by your friend Pantho and send a reply email to him condoling his mother’s death.

To : < arman @ myallgarbage.com >
Cc : ......................................................
Bcc : < pantho @ myallgarbage.com >
Subject : Consoling death news.

Dear Arman,
It was with real sorrow that I heard this morning of your great loss. I knew your mother was ill as your brother told me several weeks ago; but, as he at that time did not seem to think the illness was very serious, the news of your mother’s death came to me as a shock. You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear friend, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it deeply, for you always thought so much of your mother and loved her so truly. I feel it also as a personal loss to myself. Your mother was always very kind to me and I admire her as a good and noble woman. Her death must be a terrible grief to your father, too; please assure him also of my sincere sympathy. 

Words, I know are poor comforters. “The heart knows its own sorrow,” and in such sorrows, we are always alone. But it is not mere words when I say that I feel with you in your sorrow. 

Your sincere friend,

Fatema Villa, Cox’s Bazar
Tell : 088-01000-000000
Email : < pantho @ myallgarbage.com >

Reply Mail

To : < pantho @ myallgarbage.com >
Cc : ......................................................
Bcc : < arman @ myallgarbage.com >
Subject : Thanking for kindness and sympathy.

My dear Pantho,
Thank you very much for your most kind and sympathetic email. You wrote that words are poor comforters, but the sympathy of true friends like yourself is great comfort in times of sorrow and I am grateful to you for its expression. Mother’s death was a great shock to me, though I do not fully realize it even yet. We were always so much to each other and it is hard to face the fact that I must live the rest of my life without her. 

Happily, her end came very peacefully. She had no pain and passed away quietly in her sleep. 

She was fond of you and spoke of you several times towards the end. 

You will excuse me from writing more at present. I don’t feel equal to it. 

With many thanks, again.

Your sincere friend,

Ratanpur, Brahmanbaria
Tell : 088-01000-000000
Email : < arman @ myallgarbage.com >

The same email collected from another book

Suppose, you are Monir Islam. Recently your friend Masuma who lives in her own village Komorpur, Faridpur has lost her father. She has greatly been shocked. Now, send an email from your residence Boston, USA condoling her for her father’s untimely death.

To : < masuma @ myallgarbage.com >
Cc : ...................................................
Bcc : < monir.islam @ myallgarbage.com >
Subject : Consoling death news.

Dear Masuma,
At the outset take my salam. I am deeply shocked to listen that your father is now no more. I do not know how to console you. He was the patient of blood cancer. He suffered about one year. Actually, his death was destined. Please, do not take my word otherwise. My father also died untimely due to heart failure five years ago. So, I can understand your mental condition totally. But still, there is nothing to do. Because he will never come back. So, pray to Allah for the peace of the departed soul.

No more today. May Allah give you the strength to heart this shock patiently. I shall visit Komorpur as soon as possible.

With love
Monir Islam
Tell : 088-01000-000000
Email : < monir.islam @ myallgarbage.com >
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