উত্তাল মার্চ

Email on congratulating for brilliant result / success in exam

Write a message to your friend on his brilliant results in the HSC examination through email.

To : < tasdid @ myallgarbage.com >
Cc : ..................................
Bcc : < emon @ myallgarbage.com >
Subject : Congratulations!

Dear Tasdid,
I offer my hearty congratulation on your brilliant success in the HSC examination. I am extremely glad to know such good news. My joy knows no bound hearing this happy news. Really your brilliant success is a matter of great pride and satisfaction to me. Your brilliant performance will also encourage us all to do well in future. 

Thank you

Tell : 088-01000-000000
Email : < emon @ myallgarbage.com >

The same email collected from another book

Imagine, you are Rifat and your friend is Imran. Imran has passed the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination in ‘A+’ grade. Now, send an email to him congratulating him on his brilliant success. 

To : < imran @ myallgarbage.com >
Cc : ................................................
Bcc : < rifat @ myallgarbage.com >
Subject : Congratulations on your brilliant success.

Dear Imran,
Best of my love to you. I hope you are quite well. I am very happy that you have passed the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination in ‘A+’ grade. It is a great pleasure for me. My parents are also happy to know it. Please take my congratulations and heartfelt thanks on your brilliant success. I hope you will prosper in every step of your life. 

I am well. Give my salam to your parents. 

Yours ever

Tell : 088-01000-000000
Email : < rifat @ myallgarbage.com >

The same email collected from another book

Suppose, you are Habib/Habiba. Your friend is Belal/Bina. He/She did a good result I the last HSC examination and that result impressed you much.

Now, write an email congratulating him/her on his/her brilliant success in the exam.

To : <bina @ myallgarbage.com>
Cc : .........................................................
Bcc : .........................................................
Subject : Congratulations on brilliant success.

Dear Bina,
Your mail bearing the joyous news of your success is in my inbox. I am extremely glad to know that you have got golden A+ in the HSC examination. I offer you my hearty congratulations on your brilliant success. Really, your brilliant success is not a matter of chance. You have all through worked very hard and now you have achieved this glory. Your result will, I am sure, definitely help you to get yourself admitted to one of the best universities. Please let me know when you are coming to our house. We are looking forward to finding you among us soon. May Allah grant you a long life to achieve more brilliant success in all examinations laying ahead.

Best wishes


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