পহেলা বৈশাখ

Email about progress of studies

Suppose, you are Nahid and you are a candidate for HSC examination. Your father works in Japan who wants to know about your progress of studies for the ensuring HSC Examination. Now, send an email to your father telling him about your progress in your studies. 

To : < iliaskhan @ myallgarbage.com >
Cc : ........................................
Bcc : < hahid @ myallgarbage.com >
Subject : About progress of studies.

My dear Father,
At first, take my salam. Hope, you are keeping well. I have received your mail just now. You wanted to know about my progress for the ensuing HSC Examination. Father, please don’t think so much for me. I prepared myself well for my coming HSC Examination. 

I have revised English, Bangali, Mathematics and other subjects as well. I am now trying to give more attention to English. I am practising daily to improve Mathematics. By next week, I’ll finish revision of all the subjects. I hope to fulfil your expectation in the coming exam. I’m well. Please pray to almighty Allah for my success. 

I am eagerly waiting for your next email. 

Yours ever

Tell : 088-01000-000000
Email : < nahid @ myallgarbage.com >


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