আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Report about describing extra-ordinary qualities

Suppose, you are Saiful, a student of a local govt. college. You know about an extra-ordinary student who is also your best friend. Now, write a report about him describing his extra-ordinary qualities. 


Saiful, DHAKA, July 18 : Asad is an ideal student who is good both in his studies and manners. He is one of my best friends. He is not only brilliant student but also very much regular and punctual in his studies. He attends his classes regularly and listens to his teachers attentively. He prepares his lesson in time and never leaves it undone. He leads a very disciplined as well as routined life. He gets up early in the morning and attends his lessons carefully. No wonder such a student like Asad always does good in the examination. He has some sterling qualities of head and heart. He is polite, modest and well-behaved in his manners. He is, again, honest, sincere, responsible and respectful to elders. 

He also avoids polities and bad habits. He is always truthful, honest and obedient. He speaks the truth and never tells a lie. He says his prayers five times a day. He ought to develop love for his own country. He is ready to dedicate his life for the welfare of the country. He always participates in co-curricular activities. He also takes part in games and sports. He plays in the playground at the proper time. A sound body develops a sound mind which helps him to prosper in life. 

He is obedient to his parents and teachers. He studies as an ideal student with rapt attention. He never shirks his duty. His aim is to be great in life. He always makes proper use of time and never wastes a single moment of time. He abides by the rules of discipline in all aspects of life. He prepares his life with a noble aim. And he does everything to fulfil his aim. 
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