আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Report on village fair

Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on “A village Fair” you have recently visited. 


Masum Khan, Local Correspondent, NARAYANGONJ, April, 20 : A village fair was held with great festivity at Sonargaon in the eve of Pohela Boishakh. The fair lasted for 4 days. There was a mood of festivity prevailing before the 7 days of the fair. The craftsmen were preparing their goods, the sweetmeat sellers were busy making sweets for the day, children and women were eagerly expecting and waiting for the day. The fair sat on the road-side of the village on a large open compound which was fenced and decorated with coloured papers. There were arrangements for puppet show, merry-go-round, etc. The children were on their feet running on the ground from one place to another. They wore coloured dress and enjoyed the fair accompanied by their mother. The sweetmeat sellers were doing brisk business. In addition to this, different things made of wood or earth were another attraction for the visitors. 

People from all classes joined the fair every day. The news of the fair spread other neighbouring villages and people also came from these villages. In the fair, some people were gambling in the compound. The villagers are easily prone to be cheated by the cunning people. This fair has become a pure source of entertainment in the area.
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