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Paragraph : College Magazine

College Magazine

A college magazine is a literary journal of college students. It is usually published annually. It contains the creative works of the students as well as the teachers. There is a committee for the publication of the college magazine. The principal is the chief patron of the committee. He nominates a teacher as the editor of the magazine who selects the topics for the magazine as well. Sub-editors are chosen from among the students. The business editor has to collect money for the publication by selling spaces for advertisement. Students are asked to submit their essays, articles, short stories, poems, jokes, etc. by a particular date which is edited by the chief editor. A college magazine is a creative journal. It helps the students to express their feelings and thoughts. It stimulates their imagination and develops their creative faculty. Thus a college becomes a training ground in literary composition of the students. Every student feels proud and happy when he finds his writing in print. A college magazine has, thus, great importance to students’ life.
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