পহেলা বৈশাখ

Paragraph : Dangers of Smoking

Dangers of Smoking

Smoking is a very bad habit. It is a very dangerous habit, too. It is so dangerous and mortifying that it may cause cancer, heart attack, high blood pressure, chronic lungs troubles and other serious diseases. Smoking tobacco products is a major health hazard. It is found that one puff of cigarette smoke contains fifteen billion particles of matter including nicotine, methyl alcohol, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, arsenic, benzopyrene and several other acids. These are all really very fatal and injurious to our health. Nicotine constricts the size of blood-vessels which impedes the normal flow of blood and oxygen in the body. It causes the heart to beat faster. Benzopyrine, arsenic and tobacco tars are cancer-causing agents in animals and human beings. Tobacco tar forms a brown sticky mass inside the lungs and it hinders the easy flow of blood. The presence of carbon monoxide in the tobacco tar drives out the oxygen from the blood and it is also dangerous. Besides, smoking can cause irritation in the eye, offend the nose and unsettle the mind. After all, the dangers of smoking are quite unlimited and all should avoid it to live a happy and peaceful life.

Same paragraph collected from another book

Smoking is the most dangerous of all habits. I consider it a bad habit. It has a damaging effect on human health and life. It breeds many fatal diseases. It causes cancer, bronchitis, tuberculosis, heart-attack and many health hazards. Smoking prevents free flow of flood and supply of oxygen in the body. This leads to serious heart problems. A chain smokes cannot enjoy should health. A smoker also causes harm to a non-smoker. He demise the very existence to a non-smoker. Besides, smoking pollutes the air and leads to environmental disaster. Still, the worst sufferer is the man who smokes. He cannot but suffer in the long run. However, there is no smoker in our family. My father who used to smoke occasionally has got rid of it and now the family is totally smoke free. I think smoking in public places should be banned. As smoking is a slow poison and it demise life a both smokers and non-smokers, it should be outlawed publicly.


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