উত্তাল মার্চ

Paragraph : My Favourite Neighbour

My Favourite Neighbour

My Ramjan is our favourite neighbour. He works in the Upazila Degree college as a lecturer in English. He is a very nice man with a pleasant personality. He is eminently known for his hospitality and good manners. In fact, he is tremendously popular with his neighbours due to his integrity and politeness. He extends his hand of assistance to everyone who seeks it. He is a very caring and responsible neighbour. He is said to have become a friend to the poor of the locality. He visits his neighbours now and then and shares their joys and sorrows. Sometimes, he sends foods to the neighbouring families on special occasion. If someone ever falls in distress or difficulty, he helps him profusely. He does not hurt anybody’s feeling when he speaks or does anything. In fact, he never proves harsh or cruel to anybody. His civic sense is so strong and he has set an example of an ideal neighbour in the locality. A large-hearted gentleman, Mr Ramjan is our favourite neighbour. 

Same composition collected from another book

Neighbours are those people who live next to us. I live in a village among some good neighbours of different professions. Among them, I like Mr Anik the most for his good behaviour and co-operative nature. He is my next-door neighbour. He is a doctor. He always helps us in our troubles and dangers. If someone of our family falls ill, he offers his all-out help of treatment. Sometimes he gives us medicines. He never gets annoyed when he is called in even at mid-night. He is very sociable. He talks to all with an open heart. We always can expect help from him. He has no malice against anyone. He is a man of good and amiable behaviour. Whenever I visit him, he receives me cordially. He helps all the people of our locality without considering their class and status in the society. He is known as a friend to the poor because he always delivers free treatment to the poor. He is an ideal person. So, I like him most and feel proud of having such a good neighbour.
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