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Paragraph : Looking for a job

Looking for a job

People look for jobs in order to earn their livelihood. Unemployment is a great problem in our country. After completion of student life, each and everyone needs a job. At present, the job is a ‘golden deer’. It is difficult to catch it. Many young people are frustrated about it. Some preparations are required to get a lucrative job. A job-seeker will prepare an attractive curriculum vitae. An applicant will add his special quality in CV. He may send application and CV by post. He may personally visit the advertiser. Every moment he will try his level best to create a positive impression about himself. He will try to collect information about the situation. To face an interview successfully, self-confidence is essential. He must be sober and smart. No hesitation will work in him. A job-seeker will make himself efficient in a special side. He will achieve an extra degree/diploma related to that job. If anyone prefers executive post, he will try to achieve M.B.A. or Dip-in Personnel Management. On the other hand, for teaching profession B.Ed., M.Ed. a degree is required. In this way, one has to develop oneself to get the expected job. Each and everyone should take the whole affair as a challenge to face boldly everything. Obviously, looking for a job gives one experience with a difference.
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