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Paragraph : Money for Education

Money for Education

Money for education means if the people learn and engage in education, they will be given money. Education is the backbone of a nation. Without education, no nation can prosper. But still, education remains out of touch to so many people especially to those who are the poorest of the poor. This is why the government and some other non-government organizations are trying to bring the illiterate people to the light of education. We know that most of the people in our country are so poor that they cannot even think of sending their children to schools. So, when they do not need to pay any money to school rather they get money, they feel encouraged to send their children to the schools. Otherwise, the children would remain illiterate. The poorest parents always think that their survival must be on first priority. Therefore they are quite unable to educate their children. It is impossible for them even if they do not have to pay the tuition fees. Considering the inabilities of the poorest people, some non-government organizations offer the opportunity that if the poorest parents send their children to the schools, the children will be given not only free education facility, they will be given money as well. This method of education for the poorest is really praiseworthy and effective. It is expected that through this programme of “Money for Education” Bangladesh can be made free from the curse of illiteracy within a very short time.
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