উত্তাল মার্চ

Paragraph : Natural Disaster

Natural Disaster

Bangladesh island of natural calamity. People here survive fighting against natural disasters like flood, cyclone, drought, etc. Recently, people have become concerned about the natural calamities and these are earthquake, cyclone, drought and flood. Among all these calamities, the devastating flood in 1988 in still vivid in my memory. Eight districts in the south-west of Bangladesh had been inundated abruptly. The areas which were inundated had been out of flood for long sixty years. All the kacha houses were washed away by the devasting flood. Almost all the trees were uprooted. All kinds of crops were damaged totally inviting a serious famine. The people of those districts became homeless, shelterless and foodless. Though the government and some other non-government organizations extended their helping hands, many people died of starvation. There broke out diarrhoea in an epidemic form taking away many lives. As I am a resident of Patuakhali, I experienced the pathetic scene of the affected areas. Still, I shudder to remember the devastating effect of the flood.
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