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Paragraph : Poverty Alleviation

Poverty Alleviation

Poverty alleviation is now a burning question all over the world. The statistical report says that nearly eighty percent of people live in the vicious cycle of poverty in Bangladesh. Along with them are the slum-dwellers living in the major cities of the country. With the passage of time, the poor become poorer. The government has taken steps to alleviate poverty. But the outcome is as it is where it was. In fact, nothing has succeeded in alleviating poverty. Actually, the government should take up a master plan to alleviate poverty. Poverty to the poor is a great bane. The society should come forward and work hand in hand with the government in this behalf. A huge project should be chalked out to uproot poverty from the society. Though it may seem to be tough apparently, an integrated plan will see a comfortable solution. Sincerity from all walks of life is to be ensured. Otherwise, it will be a futile step to move for poverty alleviation.
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