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Paragraph : Study Tours

Study Tours

Study tours are very important for students. People undertake tours for business, for sight-seeing or for necessity. But students undertake tours for educational purposes. A study tour teaches and teaches better than teachers and books. No sense-organ is more potent a factor in learning than the eye. We hear and yet we may doubt. We read and yet we may question. But once we see a thing all our doubts are set at rest. Our book knowledge is confirmed. No amount of reading or lecturing can give us the same knowledge about the seats of our ancient civilization at Paharpur, Mahasthangarh or Shalban Vihara as we can derive from visiting these places personality. Book knowledge unless supplemented by practical experience is not a help but is often a hindrance. Thus study tours are an essential part of education. Considering their importance, the outstanding educational institutions make an arrangement of study tours for their students every year.

Same paragraph collected from another book

Education is one of the basic needs of a human being and travelling or a tour to different places of historical or other importance is one of the ways to get education. During the education period, teachers try to arrange the study tour. In the period of globalization, teachers want that their students can be first in the competition. So, they arrange such a kind of tour. From our school, we had gone to Chattogram on a study tour by train. There were 40 students and 4 teachers with us. In this tour, we observed the historical objects and learnt that in 1905 Assam was a Muslim province and it was a developed area. The people of this province were educated. They were conscious of their political rights. We enjoyed the tour singing and dancing. After 7 educated. They were conscious of their political rights. We enjoyed the tour singing and dancing. After 7 days, we returned in a delightful mind. The memory of this study tour will remain ever fresh in my mind.


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