আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Paragraph : Ways of Fighting Corruption

Ways of Fighting Corruption

According to Indian Sociologist Ramanath Sharma, “In corruption, a person willfully neglects his specified duty in order to have an undue advantage.” A corrupted person takes illegal advantages by neglecting duty and misusing power. Bribery, misuse of power, nepotism, avarice for wealth and social condition are the root of corruption. A corrupted person can do everything for wealth and social condition are the root of corruption. A corrupted person can do everything for his own self. Social or state value is fruitless to him. Eradication of corruption is a crying need for the country’s greater interest. To make the country free from corruptions, citizens of all classes should be responsible, accountable, dutiful and considerate. Nepotism, favouritism, red-tapism etc. should be dealt with an iron hand. Besides, some important measures that should be taken are as follows : (a) To ensure worthy, justified and consistent wages to meet the existing cost of living especially for the labour class. (b) To reform administrative channels with liability and transparency – by strengthening trained up the police force and the rightful discharge of their duties. (c) To execute severe exemplary punishment to corrupt people and miscreants by enforcing impartial, inflexible laws and menacing penal codes. (d) To drive healthy, religious and pragmatic awareness into the minds of the people in general against corruption through all mass media. At present, according to Transparency International of Bangladesh (TIB) report, Bangladesh has been marked as the most corrupted country in the world for the 5th time. We are involved in such activities that at times we are surprised to see that corruption is the law. Corruption begets corruption. It should be prevented urgently in all spheres of our activities. Otherwise, we shall fail to build up a sound and potent generation. We should look forward to ensuring corruption-free society as well as a corruption-free country. Now that an Independent Anti-Corruption Commission has been set up which is very up and doing in tackling the problem of corruption. It is expected that corruption will be brought under control within a short time.
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