পহেলা বৈশাখ

Paragraph : Women in Development

Women in Development

↬ Role of Women

Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam praises women for their taking part in the advancement of the world. He says that what is good, great and prosperous in the world in done half by men and half by women. In fact, the contribution of women in every sphere cannot be denied. Once upon a time, women were looked down upon. It was thought that women are born to look after children, for cooking food and for doing household work. Women were not allowed to go to schools or colleges. But with the progression of science people’s views are also changed. They are now able to realize that women can also take part in development. They have proved their ability. Sometimes they do better than men. Moreover, it is seen that they are more sincere than men. They have the ability to be the chief of the country. In our country both the Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition party are women. And thousands of women are engaged in many important official jobs. They are working in all sectors of life with efficiency. Women should be encouraged so that they can take part in the total development of the family as well as the country.

Same paragraph collected from another book

The contributors of every human civilization are both men and women. No success or development of the women. The status of women in Bangladesh is changing significantly. Nowadays, women are increasingly participating in outdoor activities. This is a good sign for the society and for the women themselves. Previously women’s activities were confined within the four walls of the house and not recognized as productive work. Even today in some areas, women are deprived of their due rights to work and education. They have to cross the barriers of the old society. Educated women are now working in offices and in different services. Even the illiterate women are working in garment factories and building construction. Educated young men are now encouraging their wives to work outside the home to contribute to the income of the family as well as the nation as a whole. I really very much appreciate these changes. The women constitute the half of the total population. So, no development of the country is possible keeping the women out of the nation-building activities.
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